Chapter 23

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We entered the ballroom at the hotel where Prom was being held. My oh my. It was just... overwhelming. The people, the music, the crazy lights, just everything.

"Well, I'm going to get trampled over." Anna exhaled. I giggled. Julia was the first person I recognized, glaring at Rapunzel. I saw Punzie hold on tighter to Jack's arm. She continued walking, and- I'm sorry but her dress is just TOO SHORT! I had to interrupt my own thoughts just to scream about that shit.

"Where to first?" Merida asked. I shurgged.

"I can't even see the tables or anything." I said. I could hear the song ''I Kissed A Girl" by Katy Perry begin. I like this song. We walked in the ballroom a bit more. I could feel the glares of lots of girl on me.

"I think all the girls are jealous of how pretty you look tonight." Harold whispered.

"You think so?" I asked. He nodded. I could feel the song play and it tempted me to sway my hips.

"Did you want to dance?" He asked. I nodded, blushing. We walked over to the dance floor, surrounded by many others dancing. I swayed my hips to the some-what up-beat music. Harold just stood there, watching.

"I don't know how to dance." He chuckled.

"You never did." I stated. I pressed my body against him, still dancing. He kissed me. I muffled a giggle.

"At least I know how to kiss." He said. I laughed. A new song played. "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga. More up-beat, so more girls came to dance to this song.

"These are girly song, did you not want to dance?" I asked.

"Nah, you can dance. I'm going to the men's room." He said.

"Okay." He left the dance floor. I saw Rapunzel and Merida dancing. I walked towards them.

"May I join you?" I asked, giggling.

"Of course!" Punzie replied. We swayed our hips to the music together.

"Where did Harold go?" Merida asked.

"Bathroom." I stated. "How about your dates?" I asked.

"They're sitting at our table, waiting for a ''good'' song to come on." Punzie replied. I rolled my eyes.

"Men." I giggled.

"You are right, sister." Punzie said. We laughed.

"I assume Anna is with Kristoff." I said. They nodded.

Eventually, we got tired so we sat down at our table with Jack, Hiccup, Anna, and Kristoff. Harold wasn't there, I assumed he was still in the bathroo or something. I was going to look for him when suddenly-

"Hello!" A women asked in a weird accent. She was a black women, but she was wearing stereo-typical Indian clothing.

"Um, hi?" I said.

"I am a fortune teller. Let me show you your futures." She smiled. We all had confused faces.

"Did the school hire you?" Jack asked.

"Yes. I am being paid so let me do my job." She said, in her weird accent.

"WHo would like to go first?" She asked.

"Let's let Elsa go." Anna said.

"Okay." I said

"Show me your palm." She said. I showed her my palm as she gracefully layed my hand in hers.

She rested her other hand on it and closed her eyes. She breathed in and out, slowly. For split seconds, she would wince or frown. She, soon, opened her eyes and exahaled, with a shocked face.

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