Chapter 7

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-Thursday, date after school accident- -Elsa- 

"OMGGGGGGGGGGGG! It's happening!" Anna yelled in my ear.

"I know! Come on, let's go ease drop with the rest of the gang." I said. We walked to our back yard where Jack and Rapunzel were waiting for Hiccup to come out. We walked beside them. I ended up standing between Jack and Rapunzel. Merida was sitting on a bench, not knowing we were there, waiting for Hiccup, who did know we were there. We watch Hiccup stroll to the bench and sat next to Merida.

Here it comes.

"Merida, I've been meaning to ask you this since we started to like eachother, and well. Merida, will you be be, officially, my girlfriend?" Hiccup asked her. Anna sqealed, quietly. Hiccup pulled a box from his pocket.

This wasn't planned.

He opened it.

"Hiccup, a necklace? With my name on it?" Merida couldn't belive it. Hiccup nodded.

"Yes! I'll be your girlfriend! But not because of that necklace, but because I like you." Merida reminded They hugged. Hiccup faced us.

"She said yes guys!" Hiccup yelled.

"We know!" Anna said. We ran to them.

"The necklace thing wasn't planned." Jack said.

"I know, I wanted you guys to be surprised, too!" Hiccup said, He put the necklace around Merida's neck. When Merida turned to face Hiccup, she kissed him on the cheeck.

"OMG!" Anna screamed. She took a step foward a dance. She kneeled a little bit and face her fists together and shook her body. She calls it ''the Anna shake''. It's her signature move. We all started laughing as Anna stood up again. Then she started laughing.

-Later at night- 

"So, are we just going to hang out everyday until Monday?" Anna asked.

"Well, not everyday. Merida and I have things to do. We have dates to go to." Hiccup said.

"And I'm trying to go to open houses for college." Anna stated.

"Already?" I asked. She nodded.

"You can never be sure." Anna shrugged.

"You guys are so mean! Just leaving me here alone!" I joked.

"I'm here." Jack stepped in. 

"Yea! Jack will keep you company!" Anna exclaimed. We laughed at her weirdness. I looked at Jack and he looked at me, I blushed.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked. The others were talking behind us.

"I don't know." Jack said. He looked down as he said it. Jack was cute when he shrugged, embaressingly. Wait, did I just say the words Jack and cute, in the same, short, sentence? Forget about it.

"Alright, well, you guys should get home." I mention.

"UGH! Fine... but only because of my mom." Hiccup groaned.

"Alright... but Elsa, Anna!" Rapunzel wazed goodbye. Jack was the last one out the door. I knew he looked back,which was a bit weird, but I didn't look back at him. There was no particular reason, I just didn't feel like it. I closed the door infront of me and saw Anna smiling widely at me, again.

"Oh, shut up!" I told her playfully. I walked up the carpeted stair and strolled to my door. The door was blue with white spots all over and tiny, tiny, snowflakes bordering the door frame. It was my little touch. I opened the door and shut it behind me. My bed was unmade and messy. It was a snowflake blanket, white sheets, and a baby blue pillow. The bed frame was also white. My room walls were a periwinkle. I walked to my bed and layed on it, face first. I didn't bother changing. I grabbed my covers and layed over my legs. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted asleep.

"But everything hurts..." I heard an angellic, women voice sang.

" 'Cause it's the last stand..." 

"And I don't know what to do about it..."

"So tell me how to fix it..." She finished singing. Then, as if on cue, a bright light appeared in the darkness, like a beacon. Out of it came a girl, she had no face. She had platnium blonde hair, like me. And she was wearing a blue, sparkling dress with a slit at her right leg. She was wearing icy, blue heels. Her torso had rinestombs on it. And, under her arms, was a triangle-shaped, blue-transparent, snowflake designed cape. Was that me? 

My eyes opened scaredly- but I wasn't scared. I sat up and looked at me clock. It was 2:00 in the morning, only five hours since I fell asleep. What was that dream about, anyway? So random. I stood up and walked out of the room. I, quietly, walked down the stairs and outside on my porch steps. The moon was big and bright over my head. But I was only able to see half. I quicky ran to my room and locked my door. I walked to my patio and opened the screen door. I closed it behind me and climbed on the roof. The pation was only a couple of feet from part of the roof. 

I sat down on the blanket I always keep up here. I was able to see the whole moon. I saw a lonely flower next to me.

"I know how you feel." I whispered to the flower.

"But everything hurts, cause it's the last stand." I started to quietly sing.

"But I don't know what to do about it. So tell me how to fix it." I sang. I never heard that song before, It wasn't written by any artist, and I didn't write it. Which was weird. It was cold, but it was peacful. I layed down and closed my eyes. I immediately fell into a deep slumber.


I layed in my bed, facing the ceiling. It was hard to go to sleep on these nights. Where it's so quiet, peacful, and you just want to go outside and be free, but your locked up in a house. It was like... 2:00 in the morning, I think. I, actually, liked sleeping. But not tonight. I wonder what my friends are doing. 

When I walked out of Elsa's house, I looked back, but it seemed like she purposefully avoided me. Why, though? Was she shy, embaressed? Was it something I said or done? It bugged me for some reason. I guess I'll ask her next time I see her.

My mouth was dry and it didn't taste pleasing. I grabbed my water bottle that I grabbed about an hour ago, from my bed-side table. I sat up and drank it. It trickled down my throat like it wouldn't soak through my tounge. 

Ehm... brah!

This shit sucks. I put my water bottle down. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. Tried.


WHOOOOOOOO! A somewhat short chapter!! Sorry, but next chapter, more things will happen. Secrets will be reavealed! I didn't spell that right, oh well....

SO um.... bye!


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