Chapter 9

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She kissed me on the cheek. Did that mean anything? Nah, it's probably just a thank-you kiss.

After I get dress from my shower, I skip downstairs and was greeted with the smell of food. I ran to the kitchen and sat in the nearest chair.

"What's for breakfest, Mom?" I asked.

"Bacon, eggs, and pancakes." My mom stated. She layed a plate infront of me with two eggs, three strips of bacon, and two pancakes. I grabbed a fork and spoon and the first thing I started eating was the bacon. My mom makes the best bacon ever!


"So, what did you want to do today?" Anna asked me. We were in her room laying on her bed. She had a leafy-green blanket with a white pillow and black sheets. Her bed frame was black, too. Her room walls were a medium orange, her room like it was painted in an Fall theme.

"I don't know." I shrugged. I nibbled on the Hershey's chocolate bar in my hand.

"Well, I see you have made a best friend!" Anna teased.

"Can we not talk about that?" I suggested. Anna gets too crazy about these kind of things.

"Fine, fine." Anna gave in. Wow. That's the fastest she ever gave in before. Something's up with her.

"So what are you going to do later?" I asked her, changing the subject.

"I don't know. Oh, maybe we can go see the Shedd Aquarium?" Anna suggested. The Shedd Aquarium, eh. I never been there, and I lived in Chicago all my life! I haven't even been to the Willis Tower, but I have been to Navy Peir. The ferris wheel is not as high as it seems.

"Okay! But just us, too?"

"Um, well... I guess we can bring the others! Merida, Hiccup, Rapunzel, and Jack! If they can, of course. Our Dad's friend works there, so we can get in there for free!" Anna said. She loved it when things were free. Today was Friday, so the Shedd Aquarium shouldn't be packed.

"Alright, I'll call Jack." I said.

"Why?" Anna asked.

"Because I'm the only one with his phone number here." I said. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it. I went to my messages and began to text Jack.

Me: Jack, you busy later? 

About a couple of second later, he texted me back.

Jack: No

Me: Well, do you want to go to the Shedd Aquarium with us?

Jack: Sure, when?

Me: In two hours.

Jack: Alright I'll be at your house before then :)

Me: Alright... bye. :/ 

I closed my phone and out it away. I had already gotten a shower earlier, so I walked to my room and walked over to my laptop. I opened Google and typed in Shedd Aquarium. I wanted to see some pictures. I clicked on Animals and roamed through the animal pictures. I didn't know they had so many animals. This is going to be so cool! After, I went to Addicting Games and played Electric Man 2. I liked the game, even if it's boyish and childish. 

When I got to the Toxic 10 on Pro mode. I saved my game and closed it out. I went to look at the time and saw that I only had an hour left to get ready.

Anna told me that everyone but Rapunzel was going, supposedly Rapunzel wasn't feeling well, so.

I walked to my drawers and took out a black sweater, and there were holes from should to shoulder, up to my middle-chest, above my breasts, and my white/blue skinny jeans with my black Converse. I changed and brushed my hair. I tied up my hair into a braid over my right shoulder. I went to my bathroom and started to brush my teeth.

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