Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of rain.  I opened my eyes slowly and blinked a couple of time to get rid of my blurry vision, I looked at my window and saw water droplets on my window. 

It was raining. And it was peaceful. I closed my eyes once again to fall asleep.

But eyes widended when realization hit me. Today was my sister and I's first day at S.S.I Highschool. Our parents thought it would be better if we went to this school for our last year, I don't know why, but I just decided to roll with it. 

I stood up from my bed and faced my mirror across my bedroom door. I looked at myself in my gray joggers, and blue V-neck. My platnium blonde hair was frizzy, falling off my shoulders, ad sprawling across my back. I had bags under my eyes, which wasn't pleasnt. I looked like crap. But some coffee and nice clothes will make me look presentable for my first day. I looked at my clock on my nearby dresser, and saw that it was 6:30 am. School didn't start until 8:00 am. But, I'm an early riser, so.

I walked to my drawers and opened the shirt drawer, tanktop drawer, jeans, drawer, and shorts drawer. I never know what to wear, so I go along my drawers. I flipped through my short and my eyes landed on a blue, sleevless blouse. I picked it up and threw it on my bed. I kneeled down to my jeans drawer and the first thing I saw, were white, skinny jeans. I picked that up and threw it on my bed, too. I closed all drawers and walked to my shoe closet. I quickly grabbed my Black Vans.

I got dressed and put on my shoes, and brushed my hair. I grabbed a blue hairbow, and braided my hair into a french braid. I layed out the braid, so it would hang over my shoulder. I added lip-gloss, and walked to my mirror once again. I did look presentable. I opened my door, took a step out, closed the door behind me, and walked towards the stairs. I passed my my sister, Anna's, bedroom slowly, not trying to wake her up. I walked down the stairs as quietly as I could and began making coffee with the coffe machine.


I hear footsteps pass my bedroom as I put on my black flats. I knew it was Elsa, she always tries to not wake me, what she doesn't know it that I'm always already awake. I brushed my hair and grabbed two, red hairbands. I, normally, braided my hair into two braids. Elsa always french braids her hair. I caressed my brown-ish red hair over my shoulders. I opened my door and walked downstaris to see Elsa, drinking coffee.


I look up to see Anna walking downstair with her two braids flying behind her, she walks fast. She's wearing her black flats, a red and blue checkered tank-top, with fringe at the bottom, and black jeans. I look at her blue eyes and notice her excitement for today. I see myself in those blue eyes, not just because we have the same eyes, but because I want to be like Anna. She is so out-going, up-beat, happy, fun, so full of dreams. I am not as social or fun, or happy. I make friends, but Anna is the popular one between us, even though I'm the older one. She's not stuck-up, or means like other popular girls are,she's so kind, and helpful.

Hopefully, I can get another chance to have a better school year than before. 

She walked right passed me, without saying a word, opening the pantry and grabbing some trail-mix. She's not ignoring me or anything, trust me, we are very close, we love eachother, Our age is close, we are closer than any other pair of sisters, probably. We are nine months apart, I have no idea how our parents did it, but they did. 

I was watching Anna, carefull picking out only what she like from the bag. The chocolate and peanute butter chips. Those were my favorite, too. I took the last sip of my coffee and out it in the sink. Anna out away her trail-mix, and we walked to the couch to watch t.v. It was 7:15 am, and we decided to leave at 7:30 am, everymorning to school, because it takes about twenty-minutes to drive to school. Today we were leaving at 7:20 am, because it was our first day, so we need extra time to check out scheduals and get famililar with the school. So we watch the weather, it said it was going to rain later. I looked outside, and saw that it had stopped raining. 

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