Chapter 22

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*Prom Day-Elsa* 

Today is the last day of school, but there was no school. Today was Prom. Finally, too. 

I stood up, feeling refreshed. I ran downstairs, seeing Anna in the kitchen.

"Good morning, graduate!" Anna said.

"Good morning! But, we have not graduated, yet. That's in two days." I corrected.

"Whatever! Now, Merida and Rapunzel are comine over soon. And then, the boys will be here 2 hours before Prom starts." Anna expalined.

"Alright, sounds good." I smiled. Someone knocked on the door.

"Is that them?" I asked.

"I guess. But they werent supposed to be here for an hour." She frowned. We walked to the door and opened it.

"Hi, guys!" Punzie smiled. "We came early to have coffee with you guys!" 

"Actually, we bought coffee. I need some, man. I'm tired." Merida groaned. I giggled. We led them to the kitchen and we drank our coffee.

"Gosh, I can't wait to see your guys' dresses!" Punzie said.

"I know right!" Anna agreed. Punzie and Merida brought their, make-up kits, and their dress in a standing bag, like the ones they give out at Carsons. Merida's make-up kit was a lot smaller than Punzie's. A lot.

"Man, I still can't believe Kristoff asked me to Prom! AHHH!" Anna squealed.

"I can. He asked for my blessing to do it a bunch of times." I said, laughing.

"That just shows that he cares for Anna, and respects you." Merida stated.

"And I still have the flowers he gave me!" She said, pointing the vase filled with roses and lilies. I still remember when Harold asked me to Prom.

"What the hell is that?" I asked myself. There was a giant teddy bear, as big as a human, at my doorstep. There was a button on it that said: Press me. So I pressed it. 

"Will you go to Prom with me, Elsa?" The bear asked.

"I don't know. I was expecting someone else to ask me." I joked, giggling. "I think my answer is no."

Then, Harold ran out from behind the bear.

"No no! It's me, Harold!"

I laughed.

"Of course, silly." I said.

"Wait, 'of course silly' that it's me. Or ' of course silly' that you'll go with me to Prom?" He asked. I walked up to him.

"Both." I whispered and pressed my lips against his.  

It wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but it was still cute. Merida was going with Hiccup. Anna with Kristoff, and Punzie with Jack. This is going to be a night to remember- hopefully. The theme of the dance is a bit weird, though. It's unlike any other Prom theme. The theme is: Frozen.

What's so romantic, rememberable, fun, social, or danceful about that?!

It doesn't matter, as long as my friends are there, and my boyfriend, it'll be a great time.

After coffee, we decided to start getting ready.

"Who's getting a shower first?"  Anna asked. Then, we all laughed, including her.

"Yea, we all know we have enough showers for all of us at the same time." I said.

After showers, we started to get our hair ready. Well, not me. I'm just going with a braid. Anna wants her hair in a bun. Merida wants her hair extra curly, and Rapunzel wants her hair extra straight.

Elsa In HighschoolTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon