Chapter 4

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"Ma! I'm home!" I yelled out. I dropped my backpack, and myself, on the couch. I had no homework, yes!

"What took you so long?" My Mom asked.

"Julia." I simply said. My Dad adores Julia, for some reason, because she's some-what rich, and so are we. My Mom hates her, she thinks the's snotty, a try-hard, and a bit mean. My Mom is right, no wonder my parents got a divorce. They are nothing alike.

"Oh, makes sense. Hey, did you make any friends today? I heard that there are new students this year." My Mom entered the living room and sat next to me.

"Yea, these two girls, sisters. The older one is Elsa. They are not twins, though." I answered.

"Have you talked to them?"

"Sort of. Julia was being mean to Elsa, and I just simply helped her up when Julia tripped her. And I let her use my umbrella because it was raining and she was waiting for her sister, she's really pretty, too." I said, closing my eyes. I mentally faced plam myself for saying that she was pretty, in front of my Mom! She is pretty, though. I won't lie. She just seems shy, and... boring for my taste, but definately nicer than Julia. So being friends is an option.

"Oooh, well when you talk to her more, let me know." She said, stood up, and walked off. My Mom has been trying to get me to find a nicer girlfriend after she met Julia.

I miss my Dad, a lot. My parents didnt hate eachother, they just couldn't agree on anything, so they filed for a diorce about a year ago, it was harsh, but choosing between them was easy. I chose my Mom because she agrees with me, unlike my Dad, and she is the one who makes the money. She is a nurse, my Dad works as.... I don't know, actually. 

All I know, is that, beside my Mom, my friends are my family.

-Tomorrow Morning- -Elsa- 

I walked in the school building, keeping my eye out for Julia. Before I could actually do anything, Anna pulled me towards Rapunzel, Merida, Jack, and some other boy with short brown hair, and a some-what broad body. I have seen him before, Merida said his name was... Hiccup? Yea, Hiccup, she has a crush on him, too. 

"Hey, Anna, Elsa!" Rapunzel and Merida greeted. I was wearing a black skirt, and a white t-shirt, and black flats. I put my hiar into a bun, today. Anna was wearing black, skinny jeans, a red and blue plaid shirt, and her black Vans. Her hair was, also, into a bun.

"Hey, guys!" Anna exclaimed, hugging her friends.

"Hey, Elsa." Jack said. I was surprised he greeted to me specifically, but it was probably because he only knew me between Anna and I.

"Hey." I said, quitely, back.

"I don't think you guys know me. I'm Hiccup, Jack's best friend, so you can remember easily next time." Hiccup introduced himself.

"Hi! I am Anna! Elsa's younger sister." Anna said.

"I'm Elsa." I clarified.

"Oh! You guys are the sisters who are only nine months apart, right?" Hiccup asked. "That's really cool."

"Yea, w-we hear that a lot." Anna said. I nodded in agreement.

"So? What do you guys want to do before school starts?" Jack asked all of us.

"I say head to the Field, and just chill." Hiccup suggested. Every said ''yea'', but me. I didn't feel like going to the field, I just wanted to be prepared for my classes. Before I could say something else, everyone was heading toward the Field door.

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