Chapter 14

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Wednesday. The day of the week where you say ''yes, the week is half over!''. To me, this week was going by really fast, it felt like only one day. 

I shook of my blanket and stood up. I walked over to my dwarers while rubbbing my eyes. I opened them to decide what I was going to wear. I picked out my Fault In Our Stars T-Shirt, my black sweatpants, and my gray Vans. Anna had black, I had gray. Sometimes we would wear each other, so many times that we consider them ours.

Like always, I brushed my hair and grabbed my clear rubber band. I looked in my mirror, and I couldn't decide whether I wanted it in a bun or braid. I'm really tired, and I feel lazy. So I'll just do what's quickest and easiest. The bun. I put my hair in a bun and added a couple of bobypins to hold it in. In walked over to my dresser which beheld all of my makeup, hair ties, pins, phone, and brushes. My deoterant was- wait. Where's my deoterant? Did I run out? I'll have to get some more.

I applied lip balm and mascara. Its all I ever did, usually.

I opened my door and closed it behind me. I took longer than usual, because I saw Anna close her door.

"Elsa? You woke up late." Anna clarified.

"No, I just couldn't decide what to do with my hair." I said, us walking together.

"I never thought I would hear those words come out of your mouth." Anna said. I laughed. I wasn't the type to care about how I looked, or spent their time thinking about how I should look. Which is why I'm different than most girls at the school. We were downstairs, already eating our trail-mix. We had, like, an endless supply of it. 

"Um, is it okay if Kristoff and Natalie come over? We have that project to do, you know." Anna asked.

"Sure. David, Eddie, Luis, and Harold are coming over, too." I allowed. 

"Okay, well let's get going!" Anna pulled me to the car.


We entered the building, and Anna walked off to her locker. I opened my locker to grab my books, when I closed the door, Harold had appeard in my way.

"Oh, gosh!" I startled, and I clutched my heart.

"Oh, sorry. Did I scare you?" Harold asked.

"Um, yea."  I clarified.

"Sorry, I though you knew I was there." Harold explained.

"It's okay." I forgave him.

"So, are the guys and I still coming over today?" Harold asked. I nodded.

"Cool, we'll bring the supplies, so we won't be there right after school." Harold said.

"Oh, that's okay. I need to get deoterant anyway." I said, and quickly regreted it. Did I just say that in front of him? "And you didn't need to here that." I said, blushing in embaresmment.

"Ah, it's okay. We're best friends, right?" Harold wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked.

"Yea, yea, I guess. But still, it's my lady stuff." I explained. Harold rolled his eyes, and I giggled. I looked foward and Jack was approaching us, here it goes. Harold noticed, too, and he hid me behind him.

"What do you want, Frost?" Harold asked, protectivly. I moved to the side so I wouldn't be behind him.

"H-harold, Harold. It's okay." I stepped in front of him.

"Hey Jack." I greeted.

"Hey, Elsa. I wanted to give you this, just look at it on your own time." Jack passed me a peice of paper, winking at me. I knew what that meant. It means no one else is to see. I know Jack, of course he would interpret that.

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