Chapter 19

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-Christmas- -Elsa-  

I woke up with a shot of pain.

"Ooof!" I moaned. 

"Sorry." Harold apologized. I saw his elbow next to my torso, he nudged me.

"It's okay." I said. I nuzzled my head in his shoulder. But I opened my eyes wide in realization. Not that Harold and I are sleeping in the same bed, but today is Christmas!

"Harold, wake up! It's Christmas!" I shooky him.

"Oh yea, it is! Come on!" He said. We stood up and walked out the door. We saw everyone else walking out their door, too.

"It's Christmas!" We all yelled. The door bell rang. I ran downstairs and opened it. It was Mom, she came here to cook the Christmas dinner with Jack's mom. Oh, there she is, right behind her.

"Thank you so much, Ms. Frost!" I thanked.

"Oh, it's no problem." She said. They walked to the kitchen with a lot of groceries.

"Let's open presents!" I said. We walked to the Christmas tree in the living room. We decided we wouldn't buy everyone a present. So, I wouldn't get 8 gifts, no one would get a present from everybody. It's fair when it comes to money. We looked through the pile of presents. I saw one from Anna, Harold, and Jack.

"Elsa, go first!" Anna said.

"Alright. First one is from Anna." I said. I ripped the wrapping paper, which was small. They were light blue headphones with snowflakes at the buds.

"Anna, I love them!" I exclaimed. She smiled. "Okay, so this one is from Jack." I said. It was rather big. Really big. Well, not big, but it was a big bag. The bag was blue with white tissue paper. I took out the tissue paper and I saw a dress. A beautiful, light blue dress. It had sparkling sequins, transparent sleeves, a sparkling cape, a slit in the leg. Just beautiful. (A/N Elsa's ice dress.) 

"Yea, Emma, my mom, and I pitched in for it." Jack explained. I gave him a squeeze since he was right next to me.

"Jack, I love it! It's so beautiful! Tell Emma I said thanks. And thank you Ms. Frost!" I yelled.

"No problem, sweetie." Ms. Frost yelled back. I put the dress back in the bag and took Harold's. I ripped open the wrapping paper and it was a box. It was one of those lamps that hang up, and it was in different shapes and patter. This one was a baby blue snowflake.

"Thank you, Harold!" I thanked.

"Okay, my turn!" Anna said. She ripped all of her presents.

"Kristoff got me headphones, too! Merida got me a pillow. Punzie got me a mirror! Elsa got me... CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!! Thanks, guys!" Anna said. Punzie opened her presents.

"Anna got me a box of chocolates. Merida got me a frying pan, and Elsa got me headphones. Thanks!" Punzie thanked. Merida's turn.

"Hiccup got me a new bow! Punzie got me more arrows, and Anna got chocolate. Anna, did you get chocolates for everyone?" Merida asked.

"Maybe." Anna asnwered. We laughed. Jack's turn.

"Hiccup got me new shoes. Punzie got me a new sweater. Elsa got me a STAFF!" Jack said.

"A staff?" Anna asked.

"Yea, Jack's been wanting one." I explained. it was a brown staff with a G-shaped end. Kristoff's turn.

"Anna got me rope, yes!" Kristoff said.

"Rope?" I asked.

"I use rope a lot." Kristoff explained. Hiccup's turn.

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