Day Seven - Cosplaying

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        Craig let out a sigh. "Why do we have have to dress in these costumes? We haven't worn anything like these since we were nine."
        There was an inaudible sound from the clothes rack before Kenny took his head out from it and looked at Craig. "But we were adorable and I think we should do it again."
        Kenny grabbed onto a hanger and pulled it out. He handed placed it in Craig's hands with the other things he already picked out. "Go see if these fit. I'll be back there in a minute."
        Craig grumbled a curse before walking off to the dressing stalls. He stepped into an open one and locked the door.
        A few minutes later, Craig stepped out of the stall.
        "It looks perfect!" Kenny stood up and walked around Craig, checking all of the outfit. "Leave it on. Stay here. I'm going to change." He pulled Craig out of the way and took his own outfit into the stall.
        Just two minutes later, the stall door opened again and Kenny stepped out.
        Craig was awed. Kenny managed to find a dress that was almost an exact replica of the one he were when they were nine. The only things missing were the wig and orange parka.
        "So?" Kenny twirled ", whatcha think?"
        "I think I was stupid for thinking this was a dumb idea." Craig stepped up and fixed one of Kenny's gloves. "I also think it was stupid for saying that I didn't want to go out in public. Because now I think we should definitely go out in public."

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