Day 13 -Eating Ice Cream

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        Melted ice cream slid down Kenny's chin. He ignored it and kept eating. It was a hot day, and the ice cream kept his somewhat cooler.
        Instead, Craig had to wipe the treat away. He slid the napkin smoothly over Kenny's chocolated face.
        While Kenny ate fast, Craig took his time. By the time, the blond had finished his ice cream, the raven haired boy was barely halfway finished.
        "You should share the last but you have." Kenny suggested and licked his lips.
        "Or you could have taken your time," Craig took a bite of his cone slowly. "You should have known that it would take longer for me to eat mine."
        Kenny grimaced, "Please? Just give me a bite of the cone or something."
        Craig looked like he was considering it, "I guess I could..," he started to move the ice cream towards Kenny. "But I really don't want to."
        He moved the ice cream cone back towards himself and continued to eat it.
        There was a small gasp. Then they were both laying on the ground, with Kenny on top of Craig.
        "Hey! You're going to spill what I have left!" Craig steadied the come back up and pushed at Kenny with his free hand.
        "If I can't have the ice cream, you can't have the ice cream," Kenny took the ice cream from Craig's hand and took a slurp from it.
        "Oh, come on! That's mine! You already had yours!" Craig now pushed with both hands. "Come on!"
        Kenny drank the rest of the melted ice cream and threw the cone in the trash can. "Yeah, but I wanted some of yours, too."
        "It was my ice cream and I didn't even get the last of it!" Craig hit Kenny's chest.
        "There is still some left." Kenny leaned down slightly.
        Craig shook his head. "No. You're a dick and you took the last of my ice cream."
        Kenny chuckled and leaned down, pressing his mouth against Craig's.

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