Day Four - On A Date

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                  The night of the South Park High School prom was a chilly one. A fresh layer of snow covered the ground and cars that hadn’t been moved.

                  That night, Craig Tucker stood in his room, getting ready for the said prom.

                  The eyes his reflection in the mirror and fidgeted his tie. He was waiting for the knock on his bedroom door signaling that Kenny was there.

                  They had been planning this ‘not date’ for a week or two. Of course, Kenny was the one to bring it up, asking if Craig wanted to go as friends. Craig agreed, saying that it would be cool.     

                  But now it’s here and he’s not so sure. He’s getting dressed up to go do something as friends. They could just at his house and do stuff as friends.

                  There was a soft knock on his door and there was his mother telling him that his friend was there. Craig nodded and followed her down the stairs.

                  Kenny sat on the couch in his stupid baby blue tux. He stood up when he realized Craig was there. “Ready?”

                  Craig nodded then looked at his mother. “We’ll be out until eleven, so I’ll try to get home sometime after.” He quickly hugged his mom and walked out of the house.

                  “I figured we could walk, since it’s only a few blocks away. That, and I could talk my old man into letting me take the truck.” Kenny spoke while they walked.

                  Already snow, was building on their shoes, but it wasn’t really anything new. They were used to walking in the snow.

                  “It’s fine. The school is only a few blocks. And it’s as cold as it was last week.” Craig let out the words regretting that he left his hat. He was only happy to see that Kenny left his hoodie at home, which meant he must have been cold as well.

                  People were already there when the duo arrived. There were a few couples outside, but Craig and Kenny tell that inside was where the real thing was.

                  They both went inside, and were quickly bombarded by Craig’s gang.

                  “We thought you weren’t going to come!” Craig voice barely made it over the loud music. He then glanced over at Kenny.

                  “I wanted to come! It’s nice to get out of the house sometimes!” Craig felt weird speaking so loud. He never speaks loud.

                  He couldn’t hear it, but he seen Clyde laugh. “Well, have fun! I have t get back to Bebe.” He said before walking off.

                  Craig glanced over at Kenny. “So…”

                  Kenny grabbed his hand. “I know that I was the one who wanted to go to prom, but do you want to ditch?”

                  Craig was shocked. Kenny was the one who pushed them to go. Still, he nodded and followed Kenny outside.

                  They went to Stark’s Pond. Even from there, they could still hear the music from the school.

                  “Honestly, the only reason I wanted to go to prom was to get out of your house. That’s the only place we hang out, and sometimes it gets tiring.” Kenny let go of Craig’s hand when they got there. He bent down to pick up a rock and he skipped it across the pond.

                  Craig watched him skip the flat rocks. “Well, is we did go out, we would have to call them dates, and that’s why I was hesitant because you know. We’re friends and we don’t go on dates.”

                  Kenny skipped another rock before looking at Craig. “That’s another thing. I wanted to go to prom because it could’ve been a date. I decided it was stupid when we got there.”

                  Craig was silent.

                  “I also realized you wouldn’t want to that. You’re right. We’re friends and you’re probably not even that way.”

                  It was silent for another minute before Craig stepped up to Kenny and gently placed their lips together.

                  Craig pulled away first and whispered, “Let’s make this our date then.”

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