Day 17 - Spooning

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        Kenny was almost always the little spoon. This was mainly due to how much shorter he was compared to Craig.
        And he was fine with this. He could feel Craig's heartbeat, and he could hear his breathing.
        That's one of the things Kenny really liked about Craig. How his breathing changed when he was calm, how it slowed down when he was close to sleeping, or when he eventually went to sleep.
        They usually feel asleep spooning, which helped keep Kenny's nightmares away. There was just something about Craig and having him right there that kept Kenny calm.
        Most of the time, Craig's breathing will shallow out, and Kenny will glance around the room - their room. He's still surprised that they finally hooked up and bought a place together. Sure, it might be small, but it works. It's theirs, and that's more important than the size.
        "What are you thinking about?" When Craig is tired, his voice loses the slight hint of nasal that it still has.
        "Nothing we haven't already talked about," Kenny whispered. He snuggled back up into Craig, "Just go back to sleep."

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