Day 20 - Dancing

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There was a grunt and grimace as Craig’s foot was stepped on again. “I can tell you’ve never slow danced with a partner before.” 

Kenny used his and Craig’s hands to smack the dark haired boy, “You don’t even seem like a person to know how to slow dance.” 

Craig signed when Kenny moved his foot. “My mom thought it would help me to be more social. It obviously didn’t work.” He sucked in a breath and glanced down at their feet. “Please move your foot. And then we’ll try this again.”

Kenny moved his foot and they two let go of each other.

“Okay,” Craig put one of Kenny’s hands on his shoulders and moved his own hands down to Kenny’s hips. “Now, keep a rhythm. Like one, two, three, four.

“On one, move your left foot towards me; on two, move your right foot towards me and the right a little. Then again for three and four. We should move in a slight circular motion.” Craig counted as they moved.

“Y’know, this is the most of heard you talk out of the months we’ve been together.” Kenny focused on Craig’s face so he wouldn’t look down at his feet.

There were a few moments of silence before Craig stopped their dancing. “It’s the only thing I actually know how to do.”  He started coating again. “Now we should pick up the speed, and I’ll stop counting.

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