Day 11 - Wearing Kigurumis

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        The day Kenny brought over the kigurumis was a gloomy one for Craig. He woke up realising he left his window open all night, and that snow had covered everything four feet beyond the window.                                                    That meant parts of his TV, a few books, his chargers, the floor, and his bed - with him in it - had at least a bunch of snow on it.
        Of course, sleeping with snow and wind covering a person makes them get sick. Craig woke up to a running nose and leaking eyes, which also meant he couldn't go to school. Even though he wasn't disappointed about missing school, he was disappointed about missing lunch with Kenny.
        After a day of his mother checking up on him and forcing him to eat food, he was excited when she had to leave for work. When she left, that always meant Kenny would come over. Craig hoped         Kenny would make him feel at least slightly better.
        A few minutes after his mother said her last farewell, there was a knock on his window. Craig hobbled out of his bed and to the window to open it. Kenny pulled himself into Craig's room and quickly pulled his backpack off his shoulders. "Why weren't you here today?"
        Craig sneezed, "I left my window open all night. I woke up with snow everywhere." He slid back under the covers, only leaving enough open space to look at Kenny.
        "Man, dude. Sounds rough. You sound rough. More nasally than usual," Kenny sat down on the end of Craig's bed. "But I might have something to make you feel better."
        Craig hadn't noticed that Kenny's backpack had grown in size until he pulled a few things out of it. Kenny threw one at the open space where Craig's face was and stood up. "Put that on. I'll be back in a few minutes."

        Minutes later, Craig was back under the covers but this time with a Snorlax kigurumi on. The fabric felt soft against his skin, and it honestly did make him feel better.
        This time when Kenny returned he was wearing a Charmander kigurumi. He tossed his backpack into Craig's computer chair and sat down on the bed next to him. "It took forever to decide on them. I had been saving money for a rainy day - in this case, snowy."
        Craig nodded slowly and lifted up the covers for Kenny to slide in next to him. "They're nice," he murmured. He fell into Kenny and closed his eyes.

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