Day 30 - Doing Something Hot

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Kenny dragged Craig down the narrow trail, farther into the woods. “I know you’ve been stressed, so I’m going to help you wear that stress away, in the best way I know how.”

Craig sighed but went along with him. “I haven’t been stressed. But since you’ve already pulled me out here, I’ll do whatever it is you want to do.”

A few minutes later, the two were staring at a large pile of wood. “This is what we’re doing.” Kenny held out a lighter. “We’re going to set this on fire and throw stuff in it.”

Craig took the lighter from his hand. “That’s why you made me grab matches.” He pulled out th matches and handed them to Kenny.

Kenny nodded quickly before striking matches and throwing them on different parts of the wood pile. “Set some stuff on fire and throw it on it. And it might get a little hot, so think about taking off that jacket."

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