Day Eight - Shopping

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        Kenny stuffed more fries in his mouth, making his words muffled, "Let's go to one more store."
        Craig wiped the salt away from his mouth. "It's almost five. The stores will be closing soon."
        There was a loud swallow and the sound of soda being sucked from the body of a cup. "Which is why we need to go. And it isn't even really a store, so you'll enjoy it."
        Craig watched as the last three fries were moved to Kenny's mouth before shaking his head.
        "Please? Pretty please?" Kenny pulled his begging face and continued saying 'please'.
        "I really don't want to. I want to leave so I can hike before-"
        "I'll do whatever you want for the next three days." Kenny cut him off. "Anything."
        There was a moment of silence. "You'll even-"
        "Anything." Kenny held out his hand. "Just go to the one store with me."
        Another moment of silence before Craig shook his hand. "Fine. One store."

        Minutes later, Craig was pulled into the sweets shop. "No way," he said as soon as he was standing there. "We aren't getting any candy."
        Kenny looked at him. "You promised the shop. One shop."
        "I didn't know you meant the candy shop. I can't allow you to have any, and besides, I can't have it either." Craig took a second to point at his braces.
        Kenny let go of Craig's hand. "You can go stand outside. There's just one thing I want to get here anyway. I'll be quick."

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