Day 28 - Doing Something Ridiculous

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“For today,” Kenny started, "We’re going to take in ridiculous amounts of alcohol and then do stuff. We could draw, or play board games, or something.” 

Craig looked up at Kenny then at the table, which held the alcohol and board games. “Why?”

“Because I want to.” Kenny sat down, opened a bear, and passed it to Craig. “And I wanted to something other than watch movies or play video games.”

“And you wanted to get drunk.”

“And I wanted to do that. Plus I want to see what you do when you get extremely drunk. I’ve seen you drunk, but not plastered like you’re going to be today.” Kenny opened another can and took a swig.

Craig took a drink from his own and sighed. “Or we could just go out and do something. That doesn’t involve anyone getting plastered.”

"We could have a drinking contest. Or a dance off. Maybe we could prank people.”

Craig shook his head. “All of those ideas are stupid. Really stupid.” He took a long drink from his can.

“Bets. We could make bets. Like I bet you can’t chug the rest of your beer.” There was a swallow as Kenny took a drink.

“Why would I want to do that?”

“It’s a bet. And I bet you can’t finish it all at once. And I’m betting for gigantic, sloppy—“

“I bet that I can if you won’t finish that sentence.” Craig lifted his can to his mouth and it was quickly emptied.

“Hm.” The blond boy opened another can and handed it to him. “Nice. But I also bet—“

“My turn. My turn for a bet.”

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