Day Two - Cuddling Somewhere

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The alarm read '3:45 a.m.' when a disconcert Kenny looked at it. He lay back down and glanced over at the ebony-haired boy next to him.

Craig slept peacefully, oblivious to the nightmare that just took place next to him.

Kenny sighed. He wanted to wake Craig up to tell him of his night terrors, but his companion was sleeping so peacefully. It would be horrible to wake him from that.

Instead, Kenny wrapped more of the comforter around himself and stared out the window opposite of him.

The sun slowly started to rise, and Kenny was still looking out the window. Oranges and yellows filled the sky and clouds. Blue started to slowly creep in.

Kenny was so captivated by the colors surrounding the sun, he didn't notice when Craig woke up to stare at him.
"How do you always manage to wake up before I do?"

Even though the words were spoken softly, Kenny still jumped slightly back.

"I'm used to it, I guess. I always wake up early when I have nightmares," Kenny looked at Craig and then back to the window. "They're horrible and they never end."

Craig grabbed onto Kenny's hands under the blankets. " What are they about?"

"Dying. Horrible ways each time. After every one, I think 'there's no way anything worse could happen,' and then it does." He looked away from the window and down to their hands. He removed his hands from Craig's and fell into him for a hug.

Craig responded by wrapping his arms around Kenny. "Please try going back to sleep," he spoke quietly.

For the next three hours, they stayed like this. Kenny managed to get some more sleep using Craig as a pillow. Craig was just happy he was the one to see Kenny sleeping peacefully for once.

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