Day 26 - Getting Married

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Of course, their wedding wasn’t very unique or traditional. They hopped into Craig’s mom’s car and drove to Vegas. 

The two talked it over constantly, but they decided this is what would be best. Their parents never found out they were in a relationship, and it would have been hard to tell them right before they decided to get married. They even took into consideration what their friends would think. Of course, both groups knew, but they didn’t really show liking toward the relationship.

During the drive, Craig and Kenny didn’t speak much. They listened to the faint music from the radio and thought instead. 

When they arrived to the nearest drive through chapel, they tidied themselves up slightly. 

“God. Seven years ago, if I was told that I was going to be marrying my hick boyfriend at a drive though chapel, I wouldn’t have believed it.” Craig made a small laugh. “Bu now it’s happening.”

“If I was told that I was going to be marrying my nasally, freakishly tall boyfriend at a chapel in Vegas, I would have shrugged. Because I would have probably believed it.” Kenny replied back. 

“Of course, you would have. We all figured you would get married to a tall person at a Vegas chapel.” The car inched forward. 

“Oh. Well. I figured you would have been married to some pretty chick and off in Florida by now. At least, your posse did.” Kenny shrugged slightly.

Craig looked over. “I’m happy I’m not.” He fixed a stray hair of Kenny’s. “Now, let’s start the rest of our lived together.”

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