Day 16 - During Their Morning Ritual(s)

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        The alarm clock buzzed, signalling that it was six in the morning. A hand swiped at it, but it still buzzed. There was a frustrated sigh, before Kenny and leaned over Craig. He hit the snooze button and fell on top of the other boy.
        Craig huffed and rolled Kenny off of him. The dark haired boy pushed himself off the mattress and dragged his feet all the way to the bathroom.
        Meanwhile, the blond went downstairs and started the coffee maker. Kenny inserted Craig's brew first, making sure that it would be cool after his boyfriend left the bathroom.
        While in the bathroom, Craig ran a comb through his hair and brushed is teeth. Brushing his teeth was pointless since he would just have to do it again after eating breakfast, but he still did it anyway.
        Craig went back to his and Kenny's room to put on a pair of socks. Afterwards, he went downstairs, grabbed his mug of coffee, and set to making breakfast for the two of them.
        While Craig was making the breakfast, Kenny started his coffee and disappeared into the bathroom. He ran a comb through what he could, and ignored brushing his teeth.
        After breakfast was ready, the two sat across from each other at the small dining table. A small stack of pancakes sat in front of each of them, along with coffee. Craig always read the newspaper while eating. Kenny usually took bits off the paper Craig had finished, crumpled them up, and threw them at the raven haired boy.
        When the breakfast plates were cleaned, it was TV time. They usually watched the cartoons that were on in the morning. Afterwards they finally got dressed and continued with the rest of their daily schedules.

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