Day Six - Wearing Each Other's Clothes

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Since they were ‘too old’ for trick-or-treating, Kenny and Craig decided to stay at Craig’s house for the night. Really, it was Craig who decided. But nonetheless, they stayed inside.

         Kenny still wanted to something to participate in his favorite holiday, though. He knew what they should do, and he convinced Craig to do it.

         The duo looked odd, each wearing the other’s clothing. Kenny’s orange parka was snug on Craig almost too small. How small is this kid?, he thought.

         Craig’s chullo hat sat slightly off center on Kenny’s head, and his jacket was almost two sizes too big, which only made it comfier for him.

         Craig slipped a small smile before fixing that hat on Kenny’s. “You made me switch clothes. What now?”

         Kenny shrugged. “Movie?”

         Craig nodded. “I have Nightmare on Elm Street. We can watch it in my room. My parents will be home soon and they’ll make us move anyway.”

         Kenny nodded and made his way upstairs while Craig went into the kitchen to make popcorn and grab sodas.

         Just minutes later, the movie was ready to play and there was popcorn ready to eat.

         The two sat next shoulder-to-shoulder with the popcorn bow perched between them.

         They sat like this all night, only moving to make more popcorn or to change the movie.

         They even fell asleep wearing each others clothes.

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