Day 18 - Doing Something Together

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        Crushed beer cans surrounded the two boys and the edge of the lake. Cigarette smoke also surrounded them.
        "And so I told Mr. Mackey to fuck off," Craig took a drag from his cigarette. "He sighed and wrote it down. I think he called my parents after I left. I'm pretty sure I'm suspended."
        Kenny laughed. "Now we can hang out. I'm not going to school for the next week, so you can come over to my place."
        There was a silence as the two boys drank from their respected cans. Kenny crushed his and reached into the beer box.
        "Hey, we're out," he turned the box upside down. "We're all out."
        Craig sighed and stood up. "I guess that means it's time to go home."
        "Or we could stay. And watch the stars? Maybe kiss a little..," Kenny pulled Craig back down. "Just a little?"
        "We could..," he leaned into Kenny and whispered," or we could go home."
        Craig stood up and pulled Kenny up with him. Kenny huffed. "You're no fund Craig Tucker."
        "Maybe I'm saving the fun for home." Craig winked and started walking. "C'mon, McCormdick. We're got stuff to do."

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