Day Five - Kissing

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        There was a small tap on his window. All Craig did was wave at the window. He knew who it was, and they knew the window was unlocked. It always was, just in case. Craig never knew when Kenny might need to sneak over.
        The window squeaked quietly, and there was the small tap of the window returning shut.
        "Thanks for answering," Kenny spoke. "I dropped Karen off downstairs and then made my way up here."
        Craig nodded. Kenny preferred using the window instead of the front door.
        "My parents have been on a rage since yesterday, and it's really messing with Karen," he continued. "So again, thanks for letting us come over."
        "It isn't any problem. You know I'm Ruby and I are always here to help you guys." Craig said. "Anytime you guys need something."
        Kenny nodded. "That... That's the thing. I need something. Actually, I don't need it. But I want it."
        Craig looked over at Kenny, still standing next to the window. "What? What is it?"
        "This is going to sound corny as fuck, but you. I want you. I know, we're friends, and you probably don't feel like that, but I can explain." Kenny glanced over at Craig.
        Craig was silent. He was shocked. Shocked that he never said it first. He figured it was the other way around. He was the one with the feelings, and Kenny would be the one not feeling that way.
        "I'm taking your silence as a bad thing. But I can explain," Kenny started. "You've always been there for me, and you've always been able to give me what I want. I can't even say that about Stan, Kyle, and Cartman."
        Still Craig was silent. But instead of Kenny speaking to fill it, he let it spread.
        There were a few minutes before Craig opened his mouth to respond. He still couldn't believe it.
        "We can...I mean..," he stumbled over a few words. Quiet words slipped out of Craig's mouth, "Kiss me?"
        There was the sound of small footsteps, and then they were kissing.
        It was kind, but needed.
        Just like both of them.

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