Day 19 - In Formal Wear

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        Kenny squirmed in his tuxedo. "How much longer do I have to wear this?"
        "As long as we're here," Craig spoke stiffly. "You agreed to come, which means you agreed to wearing the tux."
        The blond pulled at his collar. "Yeah, as in my own. Not your old one. It smells like you. And that makes things a little uncomfortable."
        Craig snorted. "Not my fault you get turned on anytime you smell me. Frankly, it's just weird."
        Kenny smacked Craig's arm. "Shut up. I don't, it's just people will suspect something."
        Craig stopped his walking to turn and look at Kenny. "My sister told everyone that you were going to be my date. If that didn't set anything off, I don't know what will."
        The blond smacked his arm again. "Shut up."
        They both continued to walk. The real reception didn't start for another ten minutes, and they were told they could do what they want. Kenny looked over at Craig, "So, how about we find a bathroom, and you know, make this less uncomfortable for me?"

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