15. Shakespeare, Romeo And Juliet, Act 2 Scene 2

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Jeongguk's back hurt.

Well, no wonder because he woke up with his arm twisted around in ways he couldn't imagine and his legs were hanging off the sofa, the blanket nearly strangling him. He struggled in a few grunts and groans but managed to break free without choking himself to death,

Metaphorically speaking.

He looked around, eyeing the clocks but to no avail. They weren't correct anyway. He did a mental assumption but discontinued when he felt his head ache, spreading onto every surface of his head. His eyes hurt to open and so he squinted them open as he walked around the place. The sleepy drowsy feeling began to disappear slowly until he was wide awake and was aware of what he had done a few hours ago.

Judging by the fact that the entire house was quiet and that Jimin's beloved vacuum cleaner was off, Jeongguk came to the conclusion that it was now nighttime.

He chugged some water in hopes of easing the throbbing pain in his head but it was useless. He groaned out loud again cursing at himself for his actions.

Jeongguk was bored.

The hangover he was suffering from, it didn't allow him to return back to sleep and so he walked to the library in hopes of entertainment.

Maybe he'd go to the romance section again and read the ridiculously overrated erotic scenes and read them out loud. Then he'd proceed to laugh until he was crying and was wheezing on the ground.

But what he found by the romance section was far more interesting. He caught a glimpse of an open book on a nearby table and with one look at it, he could recognize the cursive handwriting.

It was the book he found a few months ago. The one with Taehyung's life story.

He found himself walking towards it, his entire body so tense to the point he could almost feel his heart beating wildly at his butthole. Jeongguk traced the open page with his fingertips and shivered when he felt the rough, unpolished surface. His eyes moved across the lines on the page to his left,

'The angel and the mortal loved.

To the point it became their own destruction. The angel fought with grace while the mortal struggled to grasp onto reality. They escaped their minds when they were together, painting each other with words.

Touch excluded-

Jeongguk slammed the book shut with a harsh thud, concurrently shoving it into the pocket of his cardigan, when footsteps approached him. He stood there, trying to appear as casual and nonchalant as he possibly could. But it was pretty obvious judging by the fact that he was now standing as straight as his spine could handle. He looked constipated to say the least.

"Jeongguk? I thought you were asleep?" Jimin spoke as he approached the younger. Jeongguk nodded, a little too enthusiastically. "You have heavy feet has anyone told you that before? I can hear you walking from a mile away, no offense."

"Yeah yeah I was sleeping but t-then I woke up cause you know, I wasn't sleeping anymore and yeah I was-." he continued to stutter as Jimin grew more and more confused by the second. He stopped the younger's rambling with one motion of his hand as he shook his head.

"Stop talking, Jeongguk. I can hear myself losing my last brain cell and the will to exist. And trust me, to survive here with you, I need both of them." Jimin said before yawning. "Now shoo, kid. Run off to bed."

Jeongguk gave him a look of disapproval at his pathetic attempt of feigning a parental figure.

Oh dear lord, bless his future kids.

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