9. Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls, Taehyung

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C H A P T E R  9

"Jimin? Do you think I'm annoying?"

Jimin looked up at Jeongguk who was leaning against the wall, his fingers picking at the crimson walls. Jeongguk's eyes were widened by a few millimeters and the former stared at him with a crooked eyebrow, silently questioning the boy's odd behavior yet he brushed it off in a second realizing that it was Jeongguk.

"Yes. Very."

Jimin continued to vacuum the floor but when he didn't receive a snarky remark in return his gaze moved back to the younger. Much to his surprise, judging by the way Jeongguk was frozen on spot, his eyes widened and hazy, he was either sleeping with his eyes open or was going through a big existential crisis.

"Jeongguk, are you okay? Why do you look li—"

Before he could finish his sentence, Jimin's lips parted in a small o and he suddenly bent down ninety degrees towards Jeongguk's direction and the younger watched, confused as to why Jimin was showing him such respect out of the blue. He opened his mouth to question yet before he could, the sound of someone's throat being cleared reached his ears.

Jeongguk's body reacted before his mind could.

Taehyung pretended not to notice how Jeongguk almost missed a step on the staircase as he pressed himself against the wall, his face flat against the surface and his body stiffened. His eyes clenched shut as he held his breath.

Jimin too, watched the younger, amusedly as Jeongguk shivered visibly as the devil walked past him.

After a few seconds, both Jimin and Taehyung, who were now at the breakfast table could hear Jeongguk muttering to himself (something along the lines of 'breathe bitch breathe' and 'fuck I forgot he was the fucking devil is hE GOING TO POUR HOT OIL DOWN MY THROAT) followed by some soft head-bangs against the wall.

A moment of silence followed and Jeongguk entered, a soft tune leaving his lips as he plopped himself down on the chair, feigning confidence (but he was really fucking obvious).

"How was your sleep last night, your highness?" Jimin questioned as he took a bite out of his toast.

"Not the best I've had." Was the devil's reply. Jimin nodded slightly as he took another bite.

"Are you having nightmares again, sire?" and when silence replied Jeongguk glanced up to see Taehyung clenching his jaw, his lips pursed in discomfort. Jeongguk's eyebrows furrowed and a feeling of guilt and concern washed over him catching him off guard.

"You have nightmares too?" The words escaped Jeongguk's lips before he could stop them. He bit his tongue, silently cursing as the devil's eyes raked over the younger. Jeongguk lifted his eyes and immediately regretted it when Taehyung's caramel irises bore into them. Once again, the lack of emotions behind them caused a pang of hurt to shoot through the younger.

The fuck, Gguk? Why are you hurt? Bro, you're stronger than this lmao. He's the fucking devil, why do you even care?

Right. Why do I even care?

Jeongguk got up from his seat, walking over to the kitchen with his half-empty plate. He dropped the dish into the sink before making his way back to his room, ignoring the pair of eyes burning holes in his back.


After a long nap and a few hours of contemplating life (or death, if you will), Jeongguk sat up, determined.

He was going to apologize to the devil. The event that happened the night before made him realize that Taehyung was actually scary and also that he wouldn't hesitate to kill a bitch. The sudden thought made him shiver causing him to return back to his initial position, which was lying face-first his limbs spread all across like a contorted starfish.

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