2. What Are Thoooose?

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│C H A P T E R  2

"The devil lives alone he said. He's lonely he said." Jeongguk muttered to himself as he watched Taehyung and the blue haired boy conversing a few feet away from him. Their voices were hushed to whispers and the short haired boy kept glancing at Jeongguk once in while to make sure he wasn't destroying the curtains he's been obsessing about a few minutes ago.

But much to his dismay, Jeongguk was walking around the place carelessly touching the valued monuments.

Sniffing them.

Licking them.

Jimin grimaced as Jeongguk licked the rim of a golden cup that Taehyung treasured ( Let's not talk about the incident where Jimin knocked it over and almost broke it, shall we? It was the first time that Taehyung had seen a grown man cry and it sure wasn't a pretty sight. ) before placing it back in the same position with a nod of appreciation.

"Your highness, we can't let him stay here!" the short boy raised his voice.

"And why not, Jimin?" Taehyung asked, as he watched Jeongguk stare at the bear rug on the floor in amusement before falling to his knees to touch the bear's open mouth with much curiosity. He then started to stroke the bear's fur muttering illegible words under his breath as he did so.

Beside Taehyung, Jimin was trying to come up with a good excuse.

"B- Because there's no room here!"

Taehyung gave him a deadpanned look to which Jimin responded with a timid smile.

"We have more than 150 rooms here and we have food to feed an army of 1000 men. You still think there's no room?" Taehyung said, in a grave tone before averting his eyes back to Jeongguk (who, if you were wondering, was now laying on the bear rug, his arms and legs outstretched as if he was making snow angels, while murmuring words of appreciation)

"Also, it's impossible to change one's decision after it's been done so guess he's going to stay here a while now. Arrange him a room on the third floor, five floors away from mine."

Jimin sighed before muttering a yes, sire under his breath.


"Your name's Jimin, isn't it?" Jeongguk asked, turning to the shorter boy as they made their way up the stairway towards Jeongguk's chamber.


"And you're Taehyung, huh?" He asked turning to face the devil, who kept his gaze fixedly on Jeongguk's doe eyes. 

Jimin stopped walking as he turned to face the younger with his mouth agape, his hand on his heart. He stared at Jeongguk for a while with absolute horror while the latter raised a confused eyebrow.

"How dare you call his highness from his name, you ungrateful muck-spout!" Jimin spluttered out as Jeongguk stared on, confused. He then turned to Taehyun

ahemKing Taehyung before tilting his head.

"What should I call you?" Jeongguk stated in a seductive tone, mocking a thoughtful expression while the others gawked at him, astounded. Jeongguk walked towards Taehyung, his hips swaying sexily, his lower lip caught between his teeth. His flirtatious gaze met Taehyung's who showed no emotion, whatsoever, on his face.

Jeongguk's fingers ran up Taehyung's arms in a teasing manner as he walked around Taehyung, tracing his figure lightly with his fingertips.

Jeongguk had never acted so flirtatious before and boy- was it fun.

"Master?" Jeongguk whispered in Taehyung's ear but the latter's expression did not change. "Baby? Daddy?"

Taehyung opened his mouth and spoke,

"Daddy?" he said, his deep voice made Jeongguk want to jump of a cliff but Jeongguk managed to keep his seductive smirk on. "Isn't that what people in the twenty first century call their fathers? Why would you call me that? I'm not your father." Taehyung stated.

Jeongguk's mouth fell open.

Taehyung did have a point.

"Just take me to my room." Jeongguk muttered and Jimin hurried his footsteps walking up the stairs as quick as possible. After climbing a few more staircases, they finally arrived at their destination.

"Oh my fucking god, what are thoooose?" Jeongguk questioned pointing at the old fashioned boots that sat by the fire. Taehyung stared at the younger, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Wait—  is that a record player I see? Oooohhh, vintage. Do you mind if I touch it"Jeongguk asked Taehyung with his eyes sparkling with child-like curiosity and amusement. When Taehyung didn't reply he added, "your highness?"

"Go ahead." Taehyung said as Jeongguk let out a shriek, running across the room to examine the record player. "After you're done, I want to speak to you. Come down to the dining room."

With that he left as Jeongguk stared at his retreating figure, leaving him alone in the room with Jimin. An awkward silence followed.

"So, this seems like a good time to ask how you died." Jimin asked, causing the younger to raise an eyebrow at his straightforwardness.

"A car accident."

A pregnant pause.

"I'm sorry."

Another long- ass pregnant pause.

"How'd you end up here?"

"I was sent down to hell along with Taehyung."

Jeongguk didn't quite know what to say. He raked his mind trying to come up with a good response. Jeongguk stuttered, his mind finally settling on one word and one word only,




Fun fact : Muck- spout is actually a word used in the 1800s. It's an insult used to call a person who's annoying and talks a lot.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed~ This was crappy but mehh

- Amy

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