5. Taste The Motherfucking Rainbow

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│C H A P T E R  5 │

"On a scale of one to ten how bad do you want to kill me right now?" Jeongguk questioned, as they strode down the street the younger trailing after the others. The passers-by passed them by but none could actually see them.

Jimin sighed for the nth time as he frantically glanced around, an old compass in his hand as he took turns left and right every two minutes.

"I'm hovering somewhere around the thirties but the fact that I can't kill you irks me so much." Jimin spoke, his teeth clenched.

Suddenly, Jeongguk stopped walking as he scrutinized the area closely. He then smirked, before calling out to the others.

"I think I know where we are. This is the street I used to live in. I know where the mall is." Jeongguk said, before turning on his heels while the pair behind him sighed and rolled their eyes at the younger's behavior. "Follow me, muchachos." Jeongguk added for good measure.

The trio continued their walk for another fifteen minutes until they reached their destination.

"We'll split up. His highness and I will go get some food while you get yourself some clothes."

Jeongguk pouted while staring at Taehyung through his doe eyes.

"B-But I want him to come with me." Jeongguk remarked but the other two remained unfazed, continuing their conversation as if the younger didn't exist.

"I don't know the first thing about being a ghost! Like what do I do—scare people? I don't know how to do that! Taehyung's a natural at it." Jeongguk added, his arms flaying around as he tried to prove his point.

"Jimin, I'll go with Jeongguk. If he gets lost, it'd be a problem." Taehyung spoke, his voice soft and velvety and oop—Jeongguk's drooling again.

"Okay, sire." Jimin said after a moment, glaring at Jeongguk through his lashes. "Be careful."

They parted their ways and Taehyung began his walk into the mall as Jeongguk followed.

"Sooner or later, I might think you actually like me." Jeongguk said, sending a wink towards the devil's way. Taehyung made a noise at the back of his throat but continued walking in silence. After a moment of uncomfortable silence Jeongguk spoke again.

"Hey, you wanna see a beautiful person?"

Taehyung stopped walking turning to look at Jeongguk, before raising an eyebrow in question. Jeongguk felt giddy as he finally managed to capture the elder's attention.

This was his moment to shine.

"Look to your right." Jeongguk said with a warm smile plastered on his lips as he gazed at Taehyung expectantly. Taehyung turned, swiftly, questioning to himself why he was doing what Jeongguk is asking him to.

"It's a mirror--" Taehyung started and Jeongguk urged him to go on. "--with your reflection on it."

It was a mirror with Jeongguk's reflection.

Not Taehyung's.

Fucking Jeongguk's.

Jeongguk winked again with a set of finger guns as Taehyung flashed him a deadpanned look.


Taehyung simply ignored Jeongguk's outburst as he strolled passed him as if they were merely strangers. Jeongguk chuckled to himself before following Taehyung into a clothing store.

Jeongguk walked around the store as Taehyung stared at him with his eyebrows furrowed. Jeongguk could feel Taehyung's piercing gaze yet he pretended not to as he browsed through a collection of white t-shirts. After a few moments of suffocating silence between the two, Jeongguk couldn't take it anymore.

"Can you not stare at me like that?" Jeongguk paused. "It turns me on, for fuck's sake."

Taehyung's retracted his eyes away from Jeongguk but not before stalling for a split second. The two continued to shop for a while and Taehyung continued to listen to Jeongguk talk while Jeongguk internally fanboyed over Taehyung's soft smiles and responses.

"Isn't it crazy how we can literally do anything in front of these people but they can't see us?"

Taehyung ignored Jeongguk once again as he grabbed a shopping bag from the cashier counter, before taking the clothes from Jeongguk's hands. He then proceeded to stuff the clothes into the bag before handing the bag over to Jeongguk, who was still going on about something Taehyung wasn't listening to.

"—So yeah, that's how I ended up with hyperthermia, two broken bones and a broken jaw." Jeongguk finished his narrative with a depressing sigh

before trailing after Taehyung who made his way towards the cashier. He placed a few dollars on the table top before turning on his heels to walk away while Jeongguk stared after him in confusion.

"Why leave money when we can just take stuff out of the store?"

"That's stealing."

"But we're ghosts." Jeongguk said, defensively. When Taehyung sent a glare his way he pursed his lips before reaching out to grab a packet of skittles from the counter top, ripping the packet open and popping one in his mouth simultaneously.

They walked over to the grocery store which was just across the street, where Jimin was grocery shopping at. As they were about to cross the road, Jeongguk froze causing Taehyung to halt in his steps halfway over the road. Vehicles proceeded to drive past Taehyung oblivious to the fact that they had just run him over.

"What are you doing? Let's go." Taehyung said, raising his voice in order to transcend over the sound of the vehicles. But Jeongguk stared at the vehicles in motion, frozen in his place. Taehyung noticed the younger's discomfort, hence he came back to where he was standing.

"What is it?" Taehyung questioned, his voice surprisingly soft. Jeongguk gulped as the raw emotions of his past memories reverted back to his mind. He looked down at where he was standing and that's when it hit him.

That was the spot.

That was the place he had died in.

As if Taehyung could read Jeongguk's mind, he outstretched his hand, placing his index finger lightly under Jeongguk's chin before raising the younger's head slightly.

"Was it a car accident?" Taehyung questioned, softly. Jeongguk nodded. The pair stood for a while, gazing into each other's eyes but the moment was broken when Jeongguk opened his mouth to speak.

"Let's go now. Jimin must be waiting." With that he mustered up his courage, crossing the street in one swift move while Taehyung stared after him, a soft smile coated on his lips which Jeongguk failed to see.


"I can't find the bloody bananas! I've been looking for them for the last hour, sire!" Jimin exclaimed as soon as the trio reunited. Jeongguk grabbed the piece of paper which was in Jimin's hand, the list of things to buy, before reading it with mock-interest.

"Bread, toilet paper, toothpaste blah blah blah--" Jeongguk said, handing the paper over, carelessly over to the blue haired boy. "Snacks! Chocolates! That's what we need!"

He exclaimed loudly before waltzing away from the pair who stared after him.

"Jeongguk get back here! We don't have that much time--" Jimin yelled but the younger simply interrupted him by reaching into his pocket pulling out a much of skittles, throwing them over his shoulder as if he was sprinkling confetti before yelling,



- unedited- let me know if there are any mistakes smh

So yeah, I have a test tomorrow vshdbv guess who's going to fail?

I hope you enjoyed another one of my crappy chapters and i have a question--

Why do you think Jimin is being mean towards Jeongguk? I would love to know your thoughts hehehe

anyways, have a nice day/ night! <3

- Amy

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