3. Vacuum Cleaners And Elevators

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│C H A P T E R  3 │

Jeongguk woke up to the sound of vacuum cleaner. And oh boy  was he mad.

Jimin walked around the room humming a tune to himself as he ran the vacuum cleaner around the crooks and crevices of Jeongguk's room. The obnoxiously loud noise that emitted from the device made Jeongguk's blood boil and so he glared at the blue haired boy.

"Excuse you." Jeongguk declared causing the blue haired boy to twist around his head to greet the younger with a warm smile (which Jeongguk wanted to slap off his face). Jimin turned off the vacuum cleaner much to Jeongguk's relief.

"I apologize for waking you up, I just assumed you were already awake since it's eight in the morning already." Jimin said as the latter rolled off the bed muttering curses under his breath.

"Next time you're sleep, I'll just assume you're dead and bury you in the back yard." Jeongguk grumbled.

"My apologies." Jimin said once again. "His highness waited for you for a long time yesterday. Why didn't you go see him?"

Jeongguk mentally whacked himself. How could he forget?

"I'll go meet him now."

Jimin nodded, turning around during the process, causing his royal blue cape to trail after him.


"I waited for quite a while yesterday." Taehyung announced as soon as Jeongguk stepped into the dining room, in which the devil was sitting, the tip of his finger tracing the edge of the wine glass that rested on the table.

Jeongguk pulled out the chair next to Taehyung's before plopping himself down on the seat, heaving a deep sigh.

"Why ,and I can't stress this enough, the fuck don't you have an elevator in this big ass castle? Do you even know that it exists. You don't have to suffer like this, ya know?" When Taehyung ignored the younger, he continued. "It's this metal box that—"

"I know what an elevator is, Jeongguk." Taehyung said, his deep voice sending shivers down Jeongguk's back, hence, making the younger shiver visibly causing the devil to glance at him, confused. "I wanted to discuss with you, about you living here."

Jeongguk stirred in his seat, appearing as if he was fully concentrated on what Taehyung was saying but in reality, Jeongguk just wanted to listen to the ironically angelic voice of the devil. When his lips slightly puckered, Jeongguk felt himself melt a little.

So when, Taehyung suddenly paused, his eyebrow arched, waiting for Jeongguk to reply, he was at a loss for words.

"Umm... repeat the question please?"

Taehyung sighed before taking a sip from the beverage in the wine glass.

"Next time I speak, look at my eyes, not at my lips." He said, his voice barely audible but it sure was enough to make Jeongguk flustered as fuck. "As I was saying, do you have all the essentials you need in order to live here?"

Jeongguk shook his head, causing the other to tilt his head slightly.

"Could you maybe give me an idea about where the hell I am and how you lived here for centuries—" Jeongguk paused as he leaned in, his lips inches away from Taehyung's ear. "—with him?" He continued before glancing at Jimin who narrowed his eyes at the younger who flashed him a sickly sweet smile.

"He's my companion. So, as you can see you're in hell. And you may have noticed that the sun doesn't rise here so basically time doesn't exist, here." Taehyung paused, his gaze fixed on Jeongguk's wide eyes. "Which means we don't age."

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