Plucky and me

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Steven and his friends were making a race track for the spirit zone with new friends from the farm district and was it quite a chore, especially with all the construction work, and Venexa was in charge of it. Soon she walked up to spam who was holding a jackhammer

Venexa: that isn't even on spam

Spam: I know, but it's really fun to wiggle this way

Soon it was time to put the cement in and duke the dog was in charge of that with pig the pig actually drinking it

Soon it was time to put the cement in and duke the dog was in charge of that with pig the pig actually drinking it

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Pig: pancakes are ready!

Duke: pig, that's cement!

Pig: ahh, then, I'm very ill!

Steven: how long does cement take to dry anyway?

Otis the cow: oh about this long

Soon he gets out his flamethrower and just used it to dry the cement into an instant speed bump

Soon he gets out his flamethrower and just used it to dry the cement into an instant speed bump

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Otis: voila! Instant speed bump!

Steven: well that wasn't much of a chore

Soon they leave and soon jack finds something in the bushes

Jack: hey guys! Look!

Soon the gang comes to see what jack found

Soon the gang comes to see what jack found

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