Welcome to the barnyard

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It was a peaceful day in the pasture district, this was where the farmers halo with crops and stuff and this particular farm was the barnyard, a dairy farm where all the animals walk on their hind legs and talk like people

It was a peaceful day in the pasture district, this was where the farmers halo with crops and stuff and this particular farm was the barnyard, a dairy farm where all the animals walk on their hind legs and talk like people

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They all go about their day but do animal stuff, the horses race, the pigs swim in mud and the goats ram their heads at each other, but miles the mule just preferred standing in the shade looking over things like usual

They all go about their day but do animal stuff, the horses race, the pigs swim in mud and the goats ram their heads at each other, but miles the mule just preferred standing in the shade looking over things like usual

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Soon a friend of his would come up to him for something and soon he took notice

Miles: morning Ben

Ben was style leader of the barnyard and kept everything in check, miles in response to his arrival got out a clipboard and mule kicked it to him

Ben was style leader of the barnyard and kept everything in check, miles in response to his arrival got out a clipboard and mule kicked it to him

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Ben: thanks miles, let me know if ya seen Otis

Miles: oh I'm stayin out of that

Soon Ben takes a watch around the barnyard making sure everyone was okay and making sure the fence surrounding the pasture was in tip top condition cause this was a harsh season

Ben: okay meetings in five minuets! I want everyone present

Soon he takes another look around and noticed that Otis wasn't around like he usually was. Ben knew the reason and knew he should be, especially this season
Meanwhile Otis was in the spirit zone with his friends giving the dinos the tour of the place

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