The power or cavora

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The days went like clockwork and Steven was having a good time with his friends. New guardians awakened from their slumber and they were on piece closer to freeing Sisu's family from their stone prison. But one thought came to his mind, how did all this happen? What he meant was how did safe haven go from when it was founded 65 million years ago to a metropolis of anthropomorphic animals which he called friends. This has been in his mind for almost a whole week. One morning Jackie took notice and decided to help her boy out

Jackie: you okay son?

Steven: I'm fine mom. I just, started thinking. How did safe haven become how it is today? I mean I know the story of how safe haven was born but, what happened in between then and now?

Jackie: I think I know who could answer that
The two of them flew to the center of safe haven as Steven saw the most beautiful sight ever

Jackie: I think I know who could answer that_____The two of them flew to the center of safe haven as Steven saw the most beautiful sight ever

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Steven: is that, a floating mountain?

Jackie: mount cavora. Isn't it beautiful?

Steven: yeah. It is

They both made it to the ground as Steven saw yet another wonderful sight

They both made it to the ground as Steven saw yet another wonderful sight

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A huge city populated by anthropomorphic lions!

Steven: lion city...

Jackie: impressive isn't it?

They both go inside as Steven takes a good look at everything and was it incredible. They make it to the throne room where Steven saw a huge pool of chi water where the ruler of the city, king Lagravis

 They make it to the throne room where Steven saw a huge pool of chi water where the ruler of the city, king Lagravis

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