Dragon gem

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Steven and his friends were at the spirit zone hanging out, zill promised to help on his history lesson and he was just on the subject that was on his brain for a while, the defeat of ghidorah

Steven and his friends were at the spirit zone hanging out, zill promised to help on his history lesson and he was just on the subject that was on his brain for a while, the defeat of ghidorah

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Zill: and so, concentrating all her magic, the mighty earth dragon princess sisudatu created the dragon stone, and then used it to blast ghidorah into a simple wooden box. then magic healing rain poured as she went to rest in the great river, and it brought everyone back, except the rest of the earth dragons. Now they lie in their ancient battlefield as simple stone statues

Steven: woah, but what about the dragon gem?

Zill then got out his special portal pod and pressed a certain location and then they all went through to... the dragon graveyard

 the dragon graveyard

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Steven: oh my gosh

Then they made it to a large temple and zill pressed a special combination and they all went inside to reveal, the dragon gem

Then they made it to a large temple and zill pressed a special combination and they all went inside to reveal, the dragon gem

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Steven: woah

Kayla: it's beautiful

Tom and jerry looked at it as well but as Tom looked away to see everyone leaving he then turned to see jerry grabbing the gem! He then went up to jerry and put the gem back on its spot only for jerry to stomp on his tail making him shriek


As he shrieked he threw the gem up into the air and the two went in all directions trying to grab it, only for the gem to split into five pieces!

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