Wings of fire

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The group make their way deep into the jungle following the light they saw atop of cavora. Scrom spinlyn and braptor lead the way through the outlands

Blitzo: ya sure we gotta follow these crazy crawlers?

Steven: the out lands are their home. They know this place like the back of their claws

Scrom: precisely! And it seems we just reached where we're going

They make it to their spark of hope as they see it was tormak in great pain

Liella: father! Is it really you?

She heads over to her father and the new panther spirit

Liella: we need to help you!

Tormak: no my daughter. For it is I who needs to help you
The hunters continue their March as they make it to the lion city

Sir fangar: ahh, thanks to those mammoths our fort is moving faster than ever. We shall crash through their city walls, and build our ice tower to cavora! Hahaha! Nothing will stop us!
Tormak: nothing will stop the hunters, except for the power of the fire wings. Which I shall find

Otis: how? You destroyed our only map when you stole it!

Tormak; I had no choice. They had my daughter. If I got them the map, they would release her. Than things went horribly wrong. The maps energy still afflicts me. Bursting forth

Pip; okay so where's the sort where you help us dude?

Tormak: look at my spirit animal

They look to the panther as they see what looked like...

They look to the panther as they see what looked like

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A map to the twelve fire wings!

Steven: a map!

Moxie: drawing it now!

He finishes up his map to the perfection

Tormak: when the map self destructed, it burnt itself into my spirit animal, and now I shall use it to find the fire wings

Loona: then what are we waiting for? We got a home to save

The group charge forth as they head for the first fire wing which turned out to be right near Steven and his families nest

Blitzo: huh?

Moxie: according to the map a fire wing should be around here

They look to the funky rocks on the shores

Steven: these rocks were always a mystery to my folks

Tormak: the power of the map is inside me. It will guide us

Just as he touched the rocks, they all began to shake and shift up and down rapidly across the shores

Blitzo: what the fuck?!

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