A day with the mayor

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Steven was really exited for his first day of school next weak, he got a bunch of books, his own backpack, he even got his own locker and gym cloths. Soon Steven was going to somewhere Zachariah said he could stay for a while until he heard a bunch of screaming and saw a bunch of lemurs bouncing right past him in fear

 Soon Steven was going to somewhere Zachariah said he could stay for a while until he heard a bunch of screaming and saw a bunch of lemurs bouncing right past him in fear

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Steven: woah! What's going on?

Lemur: monster!

Steven: monster?!

Soon he heard a loud roar coming from the distance and soon it scared Steven out of his school stuff

Steven: wait for me!

Soon he followed the lemurs as they ran into the jungle as Steven got a glimpse of the animal chasing them. Soon they made it to a log and Steven got inside and followed the lemurs as they went through and Steven saw the beasts hand, it was prehistoric and it had a spike in place of where it's thumb should be! Soon they made it to a river where they hopped from rock to rock to the other side and soon the monster did the same to catch up with them. Soon they made it to a fallen log that made it like a bridge and soon the giant animal jumped on to catch up with the group

 Soon they made it to a fallen log that made it like a bridge and soon the giant animal jumped on to catch up with the group

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Soon Steven could see the monsters breath in his back and ran as fast as he could. Soon he passed one of the lemurs and soon the beast ate her! Steven could see as her tail still wiggling around and soon the monster just slurped it like a piece of spaghetti! Soon the monster came right up to Steven who was terrified with what he saw

 Soon he passed one of the lemurs and soon the beast ate her! Steven could see as her tail still wiggling around and soon the monster just slurped it like a piece of spaghetti! Soon the monster came right up to Steven who was terrified with what h...

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