Fired up!

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Team safe haven had the hunters in the run. Carrie whipped some of them on the ass while rodan assisted by blasting them right into the gorge they came from in the first place. They were firing at everyone and everything that resembled the hunters. But sir fangar had other plans

Sir fangar: prepare the black ice!

His troops left as team safe haven got ever closer to them

Sir fangar: we shall never retreat! We shall never surrender! We shall never be trapped in the depths of the gorge again!

But rodan fired a gigantic fire ball tossing sir fangar into the gorge until they were nowhere to be seen again

Zechariah: it seems like we beat them

Steven: yeah. Looks like it

Autumn: man. This fire chi is great

Earl: tell me about it. Me and my family got ourselves gobs and gobs of blue chi at our please, and boy did we not need any of that today. Ya hear that hunters? But ya never gonna get it cause it's up here, and your down there!

He kicks famgar's sword into the gorge

Earl: good riddance hunters!

The sword fell for miles until it hit black ice. Them stealthor revealed himself and took the sword bringing it back to his master

 Them stealthor revealed himself and took the sword bringing it back to his master

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Sir fangar: hurry up. Before they see you. So tell me stealthor, when that giant over bloated rugops went on about gobs and gobs

Stealthor: he means a whole lot of chi

Sir fangar: brilliant!

Maula: this black ice is brilliant too! You can thank mungus for it. Who else told us to mix our ice with the tar from the tar pits?

 Who else told us to mix our ice with the tar from the tar pits?

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Mottrot: uh... hello! A little help please? That's the last time I tell them to mix our ice with the tar from this old tar pit!

Sir fangar: yes. We have fooled the modern livers for now, but we must move while we have the advantage! Maula! Take your mammoths back to the fort. Stay along the walls to avoid direction. Stealthor will lead us to the home of that megalosaurus with its gobs and gobs of blue chi! Follow me

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