Conga of the apes

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The whale trip was still going and the crew was getting sea sick

Steven: any land in sight?

Elsa then flew up and looked around but all they saw was vast ocean

Elsa: nothing yet!

Otis: (moo) all hands on deck!

Everyone then made it to the deck with the sperm whale spirit still towing the ship

Otis: alright we got a long way to go before we hit dry land so let's make this ship shipshape!

Steven: (giggles) boat joke!

Freddy: I don't get it

Pip: your not too bright

Otis: peck raise the sails! Milly swab the deck! Woog, dweeb batten down the hatches! Freddy polish the poop deck!

Steven: what about me?

Otis: oh well you can keep the boat steady

Steven: but moby dick is already starting the ship!

All the sperm whale spirit do was let out water from his blowhole

Loona: hey I forgot to ask, why doesn't he talk like us?

Otis: eh probably not too bright

At that remark moby raised his fluke and slammed it to the water making Otis all wet

Otis: I deserved that

The whale then retreated his harpoons into his flippers and then swam to the deck as the elephant spirit came out

Elephant spirit: old moby said you should take it, but be careful the weather can be unpredictable

Steven: sir yes sir!

Steven then made it to the wheel and they were back in course with the sperm whale spirit pushing the bot with his big snout

Blitzo: isn't Steven a little young for this?

Steven: hey! I'm almost 15 years old! And you should never judge a book by its cover

Little did they know that two stowaways were in the storage deck who also wanted in on the whale hunt and were prepared for anything in which was the rhinoceros king retaxas and his second in command basil

Little did they know that two stowaways were in the storage deck who also wanted in on the whale hunt and were prepared for anything in which was the rhinoceros king retaxas and his second in command basil

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Rataxas: sheer genius basil! And I assure you this was the best plan I ever came up with!

Basil: but stowing away on this ship isn't exactly traveling in style sir

Rataxas: what choose have we got? Ever since we eavesdropped on their little bet on this sperm whale I knew it could be THE devil of the deep himself! That's why we came here! To claim moby dick on our wall in the name of rhino land!

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