Steven universe safe haven adventures homeworld bound: party crash

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The gang were close to the palace, they were letting the rutiles lead the way but they were getting chilly with cold air

Rex: now I know how it felt in the I- ice age

Soon pip fell off Otis shoulder and on his palm

Soon pip fell off Otis shoulder and on his palm

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Otis: pip! He's half frozen!

Woog: not good!

Kayla: he needs to get warmed up!

Otis: quick! Stuff him in pigs armpit!

Pig then raised his arm

Pip: WHAT?! No not pigs armpit! I'm fine now look! La la la la la (falls on his face)

Otis: no he's babbling. He's babbling stuff him in their

Paparadscha: quickly! Pip the mouse needs warmth!

Pip: No, I'm okay! I'll walk it off!

Otis: no pip! It's the only way!

Pip: no it isn't! Just to leave me here! I had a full life!

Then Otis shoved him in pigs armpit and pig lowers his arm

Pig: ha ha! That tickles!

Pip: hey this isn't bad. You tell anyone back home about this and your all dead

Rex: guys look!

Soon everyone gathers and looks over his shoulder

Soon everyone gathers and looks over his shoulder

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Soon they noticed a flyer right in front of him

Soon they noticed a flyer right in front of him

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Steven universe safe haven adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now