Spirit of the elephant

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Steven was in dance class sitting against a wall looking at the elephant crystal, he was unsure of himself ever since he discovered that elephant spirit and his adopted dad noticed he was unhappy while the other students were busy with warm ups to start the day

Steven was in dance class sitting against a wall looking at the elephant crystal, he was unsure of himself ever since he discovered that elephant spirit and his adopted dad noticed he was unhappy while the other students were busy with warm ups to...

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Soon he walked up to him for father son comfort

Alanzo: como sta are?

Steven: just confused, I never unleashed elephant power like what happened with one eye before, so why do I have it now?

Soon his classmate Camilla overheard and wanted to help out

Camilla: hard to say kid, legend say the elephant spirit is strong and wise so it must see something in you you don't even know about

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Camilla: hard to say kid, legend say the elephant spirit is strong and wise so it must see something in you you don't even know about

Steven: you sure about that?

Camilla: positive, as sure as safe haven lives up to its name

Camilla: positive, as sure as safe haven lives up to its name

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Taylor: bullshit!

Steven was in drama class for the first period of the day and asked his adopted cousin Taylor about it

Steven: but even I don't know about this "elephant spirit" and I don't have any ideas

Taylor: ahh, don't listen to Camilla, she's just pretending to help because she's one of the hottest chicks in safe haven

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