First day of school

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The gems were worried sick about Steven. It's been a whole weak since he and lapis left beach city and pearl and garnet warped back and amethyst was sitting on the couch

Pearl: where could they possibly be?

Garnet: we tried every place the warp pad could take us but nothing

Amethyst: well if you think about it it is your fault

Pearl: excuse me?

Amethyst: you guys wanted to take the new gem away from Steven right when he made friends with her

Garnet: you wanted to bubble it you know

Amethyst: yeah but that was before the new gem formed, and you just called her a wantless tool

Garnet: no I didn't

Amethyst: think back, garnet. Yes you did


Steven: it doesn't wanna go with you! Can't you hear it screaming?

Garnet: Steven! It's just a mirror! A tool! It can't want anything!

(End of flashback)

Soon garnet realized what she meant, she did say those things and she did try to take lapis away from him. Soon she took of her visors to reveal her three eyes with them showing her concern

Garnet: for once in your life, amethyst, your right. We're becoming just like them

Pearl soon put on a shocked look on her face

Pearl: your right. I even said it should only follow orders. God what have we become?

Garnet soon walked to the doorway and looked at the picture of their desceesed

Garnet soon walked to the doorway and looked at the picture of their desceesed Leader

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Garnet: if you can hear me rose, I'm sorry for how we treated your sons new friend. If you find it in your heart to forgive us, please send some kind of sign

Soon she saw something outside and soon they all noticed and as they went outside, they saw a bald eagle on one of the rocks

Soon she saw something outside and soon they all noticed and as they went outside, they saw a bald eagle on one of the rocks

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