Soul searching and amusment disasters part 1

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Steven soon woke up in the spirit zone but felt different, soon he looked at his reflection in the lake and saw Octavia in the water, soon he realized he was in octavias body!

???: thank goodness

Soon steven looked behind him and saw the elephant spirit behind him

Soon steven looked behind him and saw the elephant spirit behind him

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Steven: elephant! What happened?

Fuck, he even sounded like Octavia. Not how he wanted to spend his weekend

Elephant spirit: are you alright?

Steven: no! I'm in octavias body! How the fuck did that happen?

Elephant spirit: 1. Watch the language, 2. The scorpion spirit somehow had special venom to switch your bodies

Steven: oh, shit! Now I'm powerless!

Elephant spirit: don't worry, the spirits and I let you and her families and your friends know what happened and will do what they can to help until we can switch you back

Steven: how?

Elephant spirit: legend has it that our old friend, the soul bird lives in the high mountains and ha stage power to heal anything such as this, if I go there, maybe she'll cure your condition

Steven: I hope so

Elephant spirit: don't worry, the soul bird and I are old friends, surely she'll help
Soon a loud crash caused Steven to wake up, then he realized this wasn't home, clearly it was where Octavia lived

Soon a loud crash caused Steven to wake up, then he realized this wasn't home, clearly it was where Octavia lived

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Soon Steven looked down and saw a cell phone next to him, must have been octavias as well. Suddenly he heard yelling from outside

Female voice: can't believe you slept with an imp, in our fucking bed!!!

Male voice: it was unexpected! I didn't have time to go to a motel!

Female voice: a motel? Like a fucking plebeian?!

Steven concluded it must have been her parents since she did state they hated each other. Steven then dressed in what Octavia must have usually dressed in and made his way to the kitchen and saw octavias mother screaming at her dad

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