Deer song

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Steven was with his friends at Danny's friend Woolie the elephants place and was ready for the big music championship next weak and was practicing with his favorite song

Steven: 🎶if your evil and your on the rise
You can count on the 4 of us taking you down
Cause we're good and evil never beats us
Well beat you up then go out for pizza
Cause we, are the crystal gems
Well always save the day
And if you think we can't
Well always find a way
That's why the people of this world
Believe in
Garnet amethyst and pearl
And Steven!🎶

Zill: wow Steven, that's great!

Woolie: yes! A jolly good show young man! Couldn't have done it better myself

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Woolie: yes! A jolly good show young man! Couldn't have done it better myself

Soon he heard his teapot whistle

Woolie: ahh! Teatime! Would you chaps like a cup?

Steven: hot cocoa for me

Woolie: suit yourself young man, it's a special peanut brew from India

Buts as he made his way to his kitchen it made the whole place move and shake with his friends rocking with the house

Woolie: oh, did your know that the peanut is not a nut at all? Or a pea for that matter either

Jack: no! Not at all!

Woolie: rather odd they call it a nut when it isn't a nut at all. You see it's a member of the legume family, understood?

Steven: a little

But soon they started moving again

Woolie: what about pea legume? No that wouldn't make sense either but whatever it is, it makes a splendid tea

Soon the place was very steady

Woolie: my grandmother made this recipe with some additions by yours truly of course

Steven: fascinating (feeling woozy)

Woolie: oh! I forgot the cream! Would you like some cream?

Gang: no! It's okay! Don't go to the trouble!

Woolie: alright, suit yourself

Kayla: so you entering the competition next weak? Your great on the piano

Woolie: oh! Well I did practice when I was a calf, in fact I used to hope to play for the motion pictures, but all they wanted me for was to put on those beastly tusks on that stand and (loud trumpet) at the beginning of every film

Zill: talk about loud, and talent waste

Woolie: well, if it weren't for Danny and sawyer, it would have stayed that way

Tigger: say, where is old white paws anyway

Steven: she said she would be down by the valley. Said something about needing some "her" time

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