The rescue of dino rham

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Steven and the group prepare their direct assault on ghidorahs lair to save the wolf and lion legend beasts and hoping to help the crawlers see the error of their actions. But something was troubling Steven

Angle dust: you okay pal? You don't seem so hot

Steven: I just had the weirdest dream. About seeing a golden rhamphprynchus flying over my head and letting out a loud call for help. Do you know who that is?

Tyranno: we do. Dino rham

Steven: is she a Dino knight too?

Brachio: yes. She was one of the most powerful Dino knight of us all. I'm ancient times she was able to extract life force from her own body to heal any of us whenever we are wounded. And is said to give limitless power to those of the purest hearts

Tricera: looks like we got one more rescue!

Tyranno: calm yourself tricera

Stego: yeah, you know that rham doesn't just give power away like candy on Halloween

Tricera: I know but don't ya think that maybe with a sprinkle of power we could slag ghidorah once and for all?

Tyranno: even so, we must strategize how we storm the fortress to save the wolf and lion beasts. Anyone got any ideas?

That's when they all hear a loud howl in the distance

Worriz: my wolf beast!

That's when they also hear a loud bird call

Steven: and Dino rham!

The two rush out of the spirit zone to check it out

Saber: fellas! Come back!

Striker: no! It could be a trap

Tyranno: if it is, we must think carefully if we're going to pull this heist off

Razar: did someone say heist? Heists just so happen to be a raven specialty! How about we sneak into the fortress when no one is looking, knock out the guards and take out all the security form then on

Brachio: that could be successful

Sisu: nah! How about this? (Darkly) We March right up to the scorpion king. Showing no mercy to the eight legged beast

Tricera: I like where this is going!

Sisu: (cheerfully)then offer him something nice and be all like-

Saber: woah woah woah kid! Ya had us, then ya lost us

Mammoth: saber is correct. We understand your pure heart to try to reason with the crawlers, but gifts won't solve everything

Sisu: fellas. I get it. It may feel impossible, but sometimes... ya gotta take the first step, even before your ready

The group all look at one another
Worriz and Steven are deep in the jungle following the howls and calls of who they believed were the ones they were rescuing. They stop as they see an army of spiders and scorpions come their way. That's when worriz heard a familiar howling


Steven shuts him up

Steven: shhhhh!!!! The crawlers will hear you!

Worriz: (quietly) but my legend beast is here!

Steven looks up

Steven: sure enough!

Steven: sure enough!

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