The crescent

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The hunters were on the run. Steven and his friends were chasing them far back the way they came from as they melted everything the ice beasts ever froze, bringing warmth back to the farm district and everything else chasing them far back where they came from

Steven: and stay gone ya savages!

Otis; hey. Where is everybody?

Bessie: if those ice morons took everyone else that was frozen here I'll whoop their butts!

Steven: doesn't matter right now. What does is that were melting everything they froze!

Zill: but what about everyone else?
All the hunters were exhausted from running. They made it back to their ice fortress all tired from the chase

 They made it back to their ice fortress all tired from the chase

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Sir fangar: fire chi. Now where would these feeble warm blooded dumb asses get a virtuoso power like that?!

That's when he sees the Phoenix temple on mount cavora

That's when he sees the Phoenix temple on mount cavora

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Stealthor: the teachers have awoken

Sir fangar: yes. But this time, we will teach them a lesson or two

Strainor: ooh! Like an art class?

Vardy: I like drawing pictures

Sir fangar: no. Not an art class

Voomvoom: I hope it's not a math class. I'm terrible at counting. Just ask my three friends here

Vornon looks but there isn't anyone else

Vornon: one friend

Voomvoom: EXACTLY! one, three, whatever! Who's counting? Not me! Cause I don't like math!

Sir fangar: no you blabbering bone bags! We are going to DESTROY the Phoenix!

All; ooh.....

Sir fangar: and we'll start by seizing the hill that won't freeze!

A memory of that very hill comes back to him like a train slamming to a mountain of solid rock

Sir fangar: this folly of fire began after they found that hill! There's something very familiar and powerful about this place

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