The hunters attack

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Steven was really on edge. The day after the bonfire Steven kept a sharp eye out for anything that resembled bursting into fire

Steven: everything seems fine here

Steven looks to mount cavora and to his horror, the top burst into mighty flames rising to the heavens above!

Steven looks to mount cavora and to his horror, the top burst into mighty flames rising to the heavens above!

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Steven rubs his eyes for a split second and mount cavora was back to normal. He must have been seeing things again, but he could have sworn he saw mount cavora on fire, as well as some giant figure that resembled a pteranodon with two crests with skin like lava and a spirit that resembled a Phoenix. Guess he must have been seeing things

Steven heads for home but he stops as he sees the mountains. It seemed like they were being coated with a blanket of ice, and it was moving at a fast pace, impossible considering ice doesn't just move on its own

Steven; I have to warn aladar
Meanwhile, at the barnyard everyone was getting ready for a huge birthday party for Otis

Otis; we'll hang the disco ball over there. And the salad bar should be over there. And over there is where the kid area will be for little Ben to make some friends, and the human piñata right over the dance floor!

Daisy; you really know how to throw a party

Otis; what can I say? I'm the original party animal!

Outside kess sees some strange white cloak coming toward her house at top speed. She and kestrel go to warn the barnyard just as the ice freezes their house and the ground around them. That's when they reach the tractor and then the white frost catches up, freezing the tractor and kess and kestrel too!

Inside the barn everyone hears the noise and then they see the doors burst open revealing the hunters marching in

Inside the barn everyone hears the noise and then they see the doors burst open revealing the hunters marching in

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Otis: (Singing) OH, Milk me....!

Sir fangar: it is futile to fight the freeze!

Bessie: tell that to my fist frost face!

Bessie grabs a table and tosses it at the Cenozoic beast but it completely freezes. She proceeds to charge at them but the ice around them freezes her whole

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