scene iii

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J A N U A R Y, 1 9 7 6


VENUS HATED BEING late to quidditch practice. She had been in detention for the last 2 hours because of James.

The girl had never been more annoyed, except when Sirius had changed her hair green. As she arrived to the pitch, she saw that everyone was already practicing.

"Why are you late, Lupin?"

James, who was team captain, asked with a devilish smile. "I was detention because my dumbass fucking friend", she spat while he rolled his eyes.

"It was funny"

"Was not! I had to scrub every fucking cauldron because of you"

She said angrily as James rolled his eyes. "Come on Arge, I'm sorry", he mumbled while she flew away from him.

"You okay there, Lupin?"

Sirius asked as the girl nodded. "Just having a fun little chat with our captain", she told the boy while glaring at James.

Sirius chuckled softly as they all went back to practicing.

Sirius and Gideon were both beaters, while Fabian Prewett was the gryffindor keeper. James, Marlene and Venus were chasers. And finally, Dorcas was their seeker.

The '75-76 Gryffindor quidditch team was unbeatable. It was their 2nd year of playing together without adding anyone, as they were all in the same year.

McGonagall didn't really care if they added students or not, the woman simply wanted to win.

That's why she was thrilled when they had won the quidditch cup last year.

James had worked his team to the bone.

They were barely able to walk but as much as she hated to say it. James was a great captain. But that, Venus would never tell him.

His ego was already big enough as it was.

And his confidence was out the roof.

"Great job everyone, I'll see you next thursday", the boy said as everyone nodded before heading towards the castle.

Marlene was holding onto Fabian who couldn't help but tease the chaser. Dorcas, at the beginning of practice, had put her beautiful curls in a messy bun.

It barely looked like a bun now.

Venus was covered in mud, as Sirius had thrown a bludger on her broom that sent her flying away.

Of course James, being a good captain, had died laughing and fell off his broom too. The two of them being then covered in dirty.

The girl had made the Black boy pay since he was now carrying her on his back.

"Dude, you're literally so heavy"

He said with a smile as she flicked his ear. The boy groaned in pain as she laughed softly. "Did that hurt Snuffles?", she asked him with a smirk which caused the boy to roll his eyes.

Gideon couldn't help but chuckle at his girlfriend.

The two of them had finally decided to get together, and had been congratulated by professor Flitwick and Sprout.

"Keep that attitude up and you're walking", the Black told her as she wrapped her arms around him even tighter.

James couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous the two of them looked.

Venus had mud all across her face that she had put in Sirius's long luscious hair.

Venus fell on her bed, still dirty from quidditch practice.

"Merlin V! Get in the shower!"

Lily stated as the girl rolled her eyes.

"I just want to sleep", she said while closing her eyes softly.

No one had dared moved in the dormitory, until Venus felt a cold liquid fall on her.

It barely took her five seconds before being wide awake. Lily had thrown her a bucket of water while Alice had sent her a pillow to the face.

"Goddamnit Lily!"

Venus shouted as the redhead laughed.

"It's not fucking funny. Sorry Alice"

She said apologizing for her language. The Fortescue girl was never one for profanities, she usually scowled the girls if they said one.

Marlene had gotten in the shower, while Dorcas finished her Herbology essay. Venus had, once again, closed her eyes and was slowly dozing off to sleep.

When the green eyed girl woke up, her alarm clock told 1 in the morning.

All the girls had fallen asleep when Venus finally got up to take a shower.

The hot water ran down her back as she scrubbed her hair clean of all the mud. Her orange shampoo filled her nostrils as a small smile crept on her lips.

As soon as she was clean, the girl wrapped herself in a towel before brushing her teeth.

Venus liked taking long showers, it gave her time to reflect on life.

And how incredibly fucked up, in a good way, it had become.

i actually hate this
chapter with a burning

i don't even know if it
makes sense, i just hate it.

edited: i don't hate it that much

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