Running from the past part 1 Welcome to HC

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Tommy, who had been exiled for about 2 weeks when he had a thought, what if I went back there...?....HermitCraft

Grian...his past life....if he returned to HC as Grian they would probably be mad at him for leaving but he had his reasons...If he went as Tommy he would have a clean slate with them, one thing is for sure though he would have to cut down on the swearing. It would be hard to turn down on the swearing as it was apart of his facade as Tommy but...the hermits don't like swearing that much...ok he decided I will return to HC but as Tommy. But just then he remembered he can't just show up there, they would ask questions...He would need to think quick, maybe he lost his family in a fire? I mean he was a little burned from setting gogy's house on fire...(oh yeah, in my AU he accidentally set it on fire, Rambo did everything else but he covered for Rambo). 'Yeah. It's decided then I guess' he thought as he jumped into the portal.

-Mumbo POV-
I heard a crash outside my house I looked outside and saw a man?No teenager laying down in a field he had burns on him and looked pretty banged up. I panicked and messaged X
X I found an unconscious boy near my house, he looks to be around 15-16 maybe
While I was waiting for X to respond I looked at the unconscious boy on the ground he looked a little bit like- all of a sudden my head hurt, Grian my best friend. We knew each other for ages but then all of a sudden I heard a large boom. I went towards the sound and found Grians tower blown up, pieces floating(and most likley) some underwater. Amoung the pieces floating I found Grians Elytra, a mask and Diamond leggings...I asked everyone about the mask  but they didn't know anything about it. I-. I was snapped out of my thoughts by X messaging back
Is he okay?is there anything on him?
He looked banged up...he has burn scars...I haven't looked to see if he has anything on him yet..
Bring him to stress and I'll meet you there...check to see if he has any ID or anything to point to his identity
Will do X
I searched him and found a green scarf that says 'from Tubbo', pork, an iron sword and some weird blue substance, it looked like blue dye but when I touched it I immediately felt all my sadness leave me. Must be a magical artifact I thought, it isn't uncommon I mean we have a zombie-girl and a creeper boy after all... I chuckled as I picked him up...he's light I thought worriedly...Wait- why am I worried...I don't know him....I'll just bring him to stress
-time skip brought to you by X-

I saw mumbo approaching with the boy he described...he sorta reminded me of Grian but he looked younger...Mumbo payed him down on the coach in Stress's house. "Stress, he has some burns and he may have other injuries...could you heal him?" Mumbo asked "Yeah" she said as her hands glowed green and she waved her hands over the boy. "Did you find anything on him?"I asked Mumbo "yeah" He handed me a green scarf saying 'from tubbo', pork,an iron sword and blue...dye? "Wait, why does it feel like all my sadness left me" I said confused "I don't know the same thing happened to me" he replied "Wow I-" all of a sudden the boy woke up in panic.

-Tommy's POV-
"W-where am I?" I mumbled out I looked up to see Mumbo, X and Stress. "W-Who are you"? I asked in fake confusion.
"My name is Xisuma but you may call me X, you are in my server called HermitCraft. This is Stressmonster or Stress for short and MumboJumbo or Mumbo for short." As they were being introduced they waved "Nice to meet you all, my name is Tommyinnit but you can just call me Tommy." I said with a smile I imagine it looked a little fake- that's when it hit me "is everything thing alright" Stress asked with a worried look "I-I left ghostbur!" I exclaimed in horror. "Ghostbur?" Mumbo asked in confusion "Yeah! He's my friend we were building a house together when it set on fire I found a portal and jumped through but Ghostbur is still there!" I said in panic "Is he actually a ghost" X asked "yeah..." I said "well then shouldn't he be fine?" X asked "He's what's called a spirit bound ghost, it means he must be tied with someone or he may cease to exist..." I said in sadness it was true but I wasn't telling the entire truth. "Was there anyone nearby he could've tied with?" Mumbo asked "Well maybe Dream or Fundy...." I trailed off "well then he should be fine" Mumbo tried to reassure me "I- yeah I just hoped he tied with Fundy and not Dream..." I mumbled the last part

"I-yeah...I just hope he tied with Fundy and not Dream..." he mumbled the last part but I heard him, Stress seemed to heard him as she looked at me in worry, Mumbo didn't seem to hear though... "Well, would you like to stay here until we can find a way for you to get home?" I asked Tommy seemed to perk up at the mention of staying here "Yeah, thank you so much!" He said in pure joy. I smiled as I gave him supplies and told him to build a base where ever as long as he doesn't interrupt the other hermits. He nodded and went on his way "False, Mumbo did you here him mumble 'I just hope he tied with Fundy and not Dream'." I asked "Yeah, I wonder who they are and why he didn't want ghostbur to tie to Dream..." Stress said "I don't remember him saying that but I have a question, don't you guys think he looks a little know who." Mumbo said " need to get over him there is no way Tommy is Grian, Grian is older than him...." I said softly "Yeah, but-" "No Mumbo, you need to get over him"

-Tommy's POV-
I listened to them talking until they got to talking about why I couldn't be Grian. I realized I needed an elytra and knocked on the door. X opened the door and said "Why are you back here?" "Sorry, I need an elytra." I said "Oh, well why don't you wait for a bit. We are having a meeting soon and I'm going to introduce you to everyone then I'll get you an elytra." He said "Okay" I said.

-Time skip to the meeting-
"Hello Hermits, I want to announce that we have a new member! Welcome Tommyinnit" X said as I walked on stage "Hi, my name is Tommy, I hope we can get along!" I said in a cheery voice. "Well Tommy...welcome to HermitCraft..."

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