Uncomplete/Abandoned works

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Hiya! It's been a while. Sorry for not updating, I've been busying trying to get my grades up. I've also been sick for the past 2 weeks :((. Luckily, thanks break is coming up so I will be writing more RFTP and oneshots over the break.

Until then take some unfinished and abandoned works:

Story #1: You can see me?!

Start date:sometime around 10/20/2020
Status: Abandoned/possible rewrite.
Tommy watched as the brunette ran. He seemed..scared for some reason.He  ran into a room and shut the door. Tommy heard him lock the door with a click.

'How curious' Tommy thought. He decided to follow the man. Walking over to a wall, he casually phased through it. The wall couldn't stop him from going where he wanted.

Tommy was met with an..unpleasant feeling as he phased through the wall, like always. A strange, tingly feeling. Tommy looked at the man and the man held out a bat in a threatening manner. Tommy tilted his head.

'Why is he holding a bat out?' Tommy thought.

He took a quick look around, scanning for anything threatening. He found nothing. Except..himself. The realization hit him.

The man was trying to threaten him. The man could see him.

"Can you— can you see me?" He whispered in a soft voice.

"Y-yes." The man answered, looking shocked that Tommy spoke to him.  "W-Who— no. What are you?" 

Tommy ignored his question, filled with wonder and even more curiosity. How could a human see him? Not even other ghosts could see him. Tommy floated around  the man, looking for anything..anything that could give him a clue why he could see Tommy.

The man had pale skin, brown hair and brown eye(s?). He wore a light grey shirt and gloves, black pants along with a a patchy brown hoodie that clearly was homemade. Overall, a weird outfit, but what made him stand out the most was the white eyepatch he wore.

"S-stand back-!" The man said bringing the bat up in a threatening matter.

"You do realize that won't work on me, right?" Tommy asked moments away from laughing.

"What?" The man asked, still holding the bat up. If anything he seemed to raise it higher.

"I'm a ghost. Nothing can touch me, it'll just phase right through me." Tommy said in a 'matter of fact' tone. To prove his point, he attempted to touch a vase, only for his hand to phase through it.

"Oh.." the man said finally putting the bat down. So— what do you want for me? Are you here to kill me?"

"Kill you? No. I was simply curious." Tommy replied. "I was wondering why you were running away."

"Well..some scary thing was chasing me..I don't know where it went.." The man said shuttering at the memory.

"Was it a black shadow-like creature?" Tommy asked after a few moments.

"Yeah— you know what it is?" The man asked back.

Tommy contemplated for a few minutes, wondering if he should tell him.

"Are you just going to stand there?" The man asked raising an eyebrow.

"Bold words, for a man who was cowering in a corner a few minutes ago." Tommy snapped back.

"I— I was not!" The man said. His face was red with embarrassment.

"Sure—whatever." Tommy said rolling his his eyes. "So anyways strange man— you sure you want to know what they are?"

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