Happily ever after

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Happily ever after- In this AU Dream revived wilber and Tommy has become more mature since he died....you'll discover more if you read on  

Prologue: 3rd person POV 

"What if...the f*cking egg is the problem?" Tommy asked "What do you mean of course it's a problem but-" Tommy cut techno off "No, I mean— you remember how Wilber went insane right?" Tommy asked "Well- yeah." Techno started "but where are you going with this" he said "What color was his eyes?" Tommy asked "Red——-" Techno trailed off as his eyes widened "you don't mean-" "I do." Tommy replied instantly "I f*cking do. Wilber may have been controlled by the egg." Tommy said "but we didn't know if the egg back then—-" techno argued "yes, but...what if the egg started with Wilbur? What if Wilbur knew of the egg but didn't tell us? It would explain why he suddenly started to act weird!" Tommy said "...why did you just think of this now?" Techno said "because...when I died Wilbur seemed like....Wilbur before he went insane, he told me that he didn't really remember much before the election so what if around that time the egg got to him. He also mentioned seeing red." Tommy said shivering as I thought back on when I saw him in the afterlife. "That's a plausible theory Tommy....but there are a lot of contradictions in your theory so we need proof" Techno replied after a minute "well, the egg is a problem either way do we need to get rid of it-" "yes but...Dream is our number one priority right now. He has escaped from prison." Techno said "I-" techno gave him a glare "...fine....".  

-time skip- 

"What the h*ll?" Tommy yelled as Dream tried to kill him "what's wrong with you Dream?! I know you hate me but usually you at least try to talk to me first!" Dream didn't answer "Techno there's something f^cking wrong with Dream" Tommy whispered to techno "your telling me, hold him off while I get there " Techno whisper back "Okay." Tommy whispered back after a few moments. "You're f^cking late" Tommy said, clearly not amused. "Sorry, I-" Techno's eyes widened "Y-you managed to tie him up?" Techno said surprised. "Yeah," Tommy said rubbing the back of his head "I've been training."   ...  ...  ...  After a few moments of silence Tommy said "let's take Dream's mask off." "What...?" Techno said surprised "why-" "Clearly there was something wrong with him, and I want to check something" Techno say there for a while, as Tommy tried to take off Dream's mask then realized Tommy wanted to check Dream's eyes. "....You see those straps on the side of his mask?" Techno said "yeah—-" Tommy said dragging out the h "Flip them around". Tommy did as Techno said and found buttons on the other side of the straps "What the-" "Press the buttons then try to take off them he mask" Techno said rolling his eyes "okay-" ...his eyes..." Techno said "they are f^cking RED! Hah! It's probably the egg! Just like with Wilbur." Tommy said in victory "We still don't-" "why do you always try to prove me wrong!" Tommy shouted at Techno "What...?" "You always say things like "we can't be sure" or "don't always assume!"" "I'm just trying to make sure we're right we can't always blame the egg for everything Tommy." Techno replied still calm and cool as ever "I-" Tommy started "you're right, I'm sorry for overreacting..." "it's all good, Tommy."  


AN:Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not posting lately! I decided to make a snap shot of a story I'm making in order to make up for it. This story may be a prelude for my 'The future is near AU' in the mean time I'm going to work on a few HC AUs and Crossovers between HC & Dream. I'm sorry to say that unfortunately I will not be making the Yugioh crossover. I was trying to write it but then realized I have no idea how yugioh battles work so I decided to abandon the project. You guys probably already knew I was going to abandon it because I've been holding it off for so long and I mentioned it in my list of AU's. Anyways I'm sorry for not being able to bring it to life, I know many of you were looking forward to it.  -SleepySky/Crystal

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