I think you have the wrong person...Draft

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In which I am currently staring down the writings I have written & procrastinated editing + posting for the past month or so. In the mean time,, A NEW ONE SHOT!! But instead with Grian bc I love Watcher!Grian.
-Grian's POV-

Grian loved days like these. Just sitting down, relaxing in the library of the Watchers. Anyone who dare d to enter might've gotten the wrong idea, that he was a watcher himself. Well, they weren't wrong. He was a watcher, but that was a past that he left behind a long time ago.

But, as they say, old habits die hard. So, there Grian was, in his watcher form sitting down on a couch reading about himself. He had to stop himself from yelling out at the ridiculous statements they wrote about him.

Xelqua was the greatest watcher in history.Yeah right. They were just saying that because many watcher children idolized him, if there was a bad image of Xelqua..well then there was a horrible image of the council. The only reason the other watchers followed the council of watchers was because they believed it was founded by Xelqua himself.

They weren't exactly wrong per say, however Xelqua was banished from the watcher council long ago. He didn't consider himself part of the council, nevertheless a watcher. He shook his head shaking off these thoughts before continuing to read.

It is believed Xelqua lost his mind trying to find the fountain of mir. Well, they weren't exactly wrong about that part. He did lose his mind in that..horrid place. Luckily, Taurus saved him before going missing again.

Xelqua hasn't been seen ever since. Ha! If only they knew that he was lounging around in their abandoned library, erasing all information they had about him.

With that, Grian got up and set the book on the long pile of books about Xelqua. It was time to leave that part of his life behind for good—it was the past after all. He reached down into his pockets to reveal a lighter. He fiddled with it a bit considering if he should do this the old fashion way.

He put the lighter away, deciding it would be more poetic if he burned it down with his own magic, rather than a cheap human trinket used for silly little parties. Besides, the lighter might not even work. He didn't know what kind of enchantments the watchers used on these books.

Yeah.. He decided. It would definitely be more respectful this way. He thought letting the magic flow through him. He raised his hand directing the fire to start out as a small flame on the top book. He can't use too much magic otherwise the watchers would definitely sense him. Suddenly he had an idea.

Without thinking twice, Grian grabbed the lighter from his pocket, switched it on and threw it on the book. While it might not effect the books, perhaps it could help grow the flames.

His suspicion was correct. His face slowly broke out into a grin. The lighter made the magic grow stronger and out of the control. Now— if they had sensed his magic, they would just think it was an out of control newbie.

Suddenly alarms started blaring. Shit he thought. This place is old so he figured they didn't have magic defenses. Now that he thought about it, they probably had magic defenses because the library is so old. This place was full of watcher history and he just burned down some of the most important parts of their history.

He cursed at his stupidity. Suddenly, he could hear footsteps nearby, entering the library. Probably other watchers he reasoned quickly diving behind the shelves. I'm an idiot. He internally face palmed. He could just turn invisible.*CRASH* Grian heard a loud crashing noise coming from another aisle.

Quickly turning invisible, Grian quietly stepped out from behind the book shelf. He looked out to where he set the books on fire. The books were still on fire but a good amount of them were gone. Right well. I should see where that noise came from.. He hoped it wasn't anyone he recognized.

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